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Posts posted by silvertonessuckbutigotone

  1. ok here is the deal, i've never really finished any wood, excet for random sparay painting on a wooden go-kart i made, but i never put any clear coats or anything on that, here's my question, what will give me a good shine on my guitar after i paint it and how long will it take before i can handle the guitar?

  2. please tell me if i'll be doing anyhting wrong(this is my first finishing project), this is what i'll be doing to the body:

    1.take it apart, clean it, etc.

    2.spray black burst

    3.add clear coat

    4.drying time (btw, does anyone know how long it'll take??)

    5.put guitar back together

    6.play the guitar... :D

  3. another nice one (just for inspiration ,don't wanna hijack)


    again a dean V they have such great flametops , but i don't like the 2 pointed heastock.

    I know what you mean about the headstock on the Dean. On the one hand, by the look of it, you know it's a Dean. But, I don't like it on a V. V's need that pointy spear like headstock to look right. Maybe I'm just an old timer. B)

    it's almost the flying v is flying in 2 directions, and the headstock and the v are gonna crash, :D well, i guess its not that funny, lol

  4. im sitting here looking at the poor boys burst tutorial made by brian, and what it ays to do is put push pins in an inch or so from the edge of the template, my question is, would the bottom of the pins make a mark on the burst, or are they too deep for the paint to reach, also, the burst in the picture is a relatively thin burst, is there a way to make it thicker? thanks bunches - jack

  5. scratch that-- i just came up with a better idea, with help from my sister, but i dont know if it is possible, im wanting to leave that paint on, and add a black burst around it, so would it be possible to leave everything on it thats already on it(clear coats, paint, everything), and add a black burst, then put more clear coat on it? anyone...?

  6. does anyone know where i could find an illustrated tutorial on how to make a cherry sunburst?? ive looked at the one at reranch, but there isnt enough pictures, and its confusing (im a man, im pretty visual, lol) so does anyone have any other suggestions? this is my guitar if neccessary... thanks... -jack


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