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Posts posted by AlGeeEater

  1. Got the neck blank in today, and man it's so sweet! 22 bucks for this piece of honduran mahogany, planed flat and plenty of room to scarf it (30" long). I'm never going to buy the stew-mac ones again!

    I'm just waiting for the Stew-Mac shippment to come in with the truss rod, so i can route the channel for the truss rod, scarf joint the neck and rough cut the neck out.

    Updates later!



  2. If you get the Ridgid 14" like me, you won't be let down! The only thing that needs to be tweaked is the stand, it's a bit flimsy but once you put a few 2x4's underneath the frame it's steady. You may also want to replace the belt on the motor to a link belt, and of course replace the stock blade. You'll be good to go! Thing runs perfect, no shaking at all, I can even stand a nickle on its side on the table and it doesnt move :D

  3. Well, i'm selling it for one so i'd like something a little 'personal' , but I think i'll go with the basic shape. I'll see if I can twist it a bit too look more original (even though 3 other 'companies' will probaly have the same exact shape)

    I really like Maton link you gave me, the headstock works so good for that guitar.

  4. The thing is, the short blank is TOO short period, as in the fretboard doesnt fit on it at all. To make it fit i'd only have 18 frets. :D

    I'm actually going to go with the 30" x 3" x 7/8" neck blank from LMI. For 22 bucks, compared to Stew-Macs 55, it's a hell of a deal. Plus I don't need to saw it to the correct thickness or 'nothin. :D

    But you will need to stack the heel though?

    Yes, I just cut the heel off the old blank and i'm going to glue it onto the new one.

    Back to the drawing board I guess, damn you First Act!

  5. The thing is, the short blank is TOO short period, as in the fretboard doesnt fit on it at all. To make it fit i'd only have 18 frets. :D

    I'm actually going to go with the 30" x 3" x 7/8" neck blank from LMI. For 22 bucks, compared to Stew-Macs 55, it's a hell of a deal. Plus I don't need to saw it to the correct thickness or 'nothin. :D

  6. I used to do it the same way as Erik did, but the vice kind of broke the plastic on my drill :D You have to be careful when tightening the vice for sure.

    The drill press i've got goes from 900 RPM straight to 1,350 RPM, so I use it on 900 RPM. I've never ventured into using the 1,350, but i'm tempted to try it on some scrap. Maybe i'll do that tomr.

  7. Also, has anybody used the Stew-Mac neck set-neck blanks to make an LP neck? I cut the scarf on this neck 1-3/4" too close to the fretboard, and i'm not if I ca sucessfully cut a scarf with these sized blanks are 26" long. If anybody can get at me with info within the next 15 or so minutes I can order a new blank from Stew-Mac and it'd ship today and be here monday.

    Anyone care to chime in? It's too late now, so the neck won't get started until Wensday. In the mean time I guess I could start carving the top, or just let it sit a few days, I don't know yet.

  8. I have a question for ya, do you have a drill press (i'm assuming no). I mount my foam pads in my drill press and buff bodies out using that now, it works great!

    I have the same RO sander as you, and i'd personally never use it to buff guitars. For one, with the variable speed ones you can set the oscillations, and I think the RO oscillates too much ( i think oscillates is the word).

    I'm going to have to find my manual on the thing to see it's specs just to be sure, but I remember in the DVD's Dan said to have the oscillations low.

  9. OK, well I got some decent pictures this time. Today I just drilled the holes for pots, and the only thing I can really do next on the body is to carve the top, which i'm going to hold off on until I get the neck fitted.


    Mahogany Back (I really love the mahogany on this one!)

    Anyways, once I start the neck i'll get the pics. Probaly won't be until Monday.

    Also, has anybody used the Stew-Mac neck set-neck blanks to make an LP neck? I cut the scarf on this neck 1-3/4" too close to the fretboard, and i'm not if I ca sucessfully cut a scarf with these sized blanks are 26" long. If anybody can get at me with info within the next 15 or so minutes I can order a new blank from Stew-Mac and it'd ship today and be here monday.



  10. I think the wieght has to do with the combination of the african mahogany (which was 13 pounds just for the blank, 15" x 1-3/4" x 21") and the maple top. Keep in mind, the body blank was a bit oversized, it was supposed to be 1.75" but it was more like 1.889" or so. The maple top was also thicknessed, about .900", but now everything is to the correct thickness, and it's just about par with Gibby bodies. I think once the top gets carved, and I do the tummy contour in the back it'll drop a good 2-3 pounds at the most.


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