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Posts posted by jai

  1. hahaha

    "the fact that ur going to spend at least 20$ a month on something guitar related is a given"

    you mean, thats not normal? B)


    "u know the exact location of ur favorite picks even though u probably can't see them right now"

    I have picks strategicly place about in my room for optimum recovery :D


    "several hot girls are talking to you and all u can think about is playing that cool riff u have stuck in ur head"

    don't get me started :D

    how bout:

    when you have a couple megabytes dedicated to guitar photos and docuements

    when you have done more than 3 reports for school that guitars have been the subject

  2. I've been trying to figure that out now for sooo long :D:D:D

    What you need is a website, but not like a tripod, one with servers that you have to buy and design and stuff.

    Another option is to find a site thats offers non-dynamic image hosting, and nobody offers thats, only dynamic hosting is out there B)

    In the bottom of this section I have a thread that I'm use to test out pics from different sites, but soo far nothing has worked.

  3. the only reason I suggested using carbon fiber is because of the wood he has and the fact that I don't know how it will act. If if we're quarter-sawn I think the only reason you would have to use carbon fiber is if you live in the extremest of weather conditions or really small neck.

  4. I don't think you'll find anything better than a floyd.

    thats depends on what type of music you play too. I play country and love dual-fulcrom (sp?) trems like on G&Ls because I don't use it much, so I have don't normally have the whammy bar in, and with a G&L trem you can just use you hand with hardly any effort.

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