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Posts posted by unclej

  1. i've got two old silvertone flat tops without truss rods and the strings were so high that i set them up for dobro style playing. just for fun i put a single coil in one and a humbucker in the other. i actually mounted them in the sound hole by using pickguard material and making a holder that lapped over the sound hole and i screwed it on. on this one i even installed volume and tone pots. using acoustic strings it sounds pretty raunchy..and that's a good thing.


  2. maiden hit on the real point of my question. i knew you could discharge one by taking it to ground but i wasn't sure what was happening if you just had a charged cap outside of a circuit and jumped it with the resistor. if i had taken the time to look up the definition of a resistor i probably wouldn't have had to ask. :D

    but hey, it was a good discussion and i appeciate it.

  3. thanks guys..when he comes by today i'll actually find out what the three pots are controlling. my suggestion as well was to free up one and dedicate it to the hb as a tone control. it's his studio guitar and already has some strange things going on in it so we'll see.

    edited to say: i just received a catalog today from the tamarkin company and may have found just what he needs. they sell a line of pups called shadow and they have a humbucker with a built in 5 band equalizer. the trim pots are on top of the pup. the eq circuit is active but can be switched on or off and can be wired up to eq the other pups on the guitar.

    it's pretty pricey even at my cost with a suggested retail of $184.50.

  4. a buddy of mine has a fat strat and came to me with this question: is there a mod that can lower the mid range of a humbucker without affecting the hi or low range? and it needs to be passive and not change the single coils.

    he's already changed his tone pots to volume pots but none of them control just the humbucker. i'm not sure what they all do but that's what he told me.

    i told him no but then i don't know everything so i thought i'd throw it out to you guys.

  5. i've just been re-reading the thread about discharging hi voltage caps and came up with a question. when you use the resistor method and bridge the cap where does the charge go? with lovekraft's light bulb it's easy to see that the stored voltage is used up. but what happens to it with the resistor?

  6. the other problem that you'll face if you pull the frets is that the neck will bow when the strings are tuned unless you fill the fret slots with something. when empty the slots act just like the kerfs you would cut into the back of a piece of lumber if you wanted to bend it. i had a student once that sanded the frets down until only the tang was left. looked pretty good actually and kept the fret slots filled.

  7. ford, i'd start with the phone book and call some of the glass companies in your area. a lot of them do blasting for custom doors and such. hobby shops might have a line on someone in your area that does blasting on ashtrays, glasses, etc. i have no idea what it would cost 'cause i haven't done it on a guitar yet. besides, i did say that she was "a friend" so she'd better not charge me anything. :D

    if you have a shop with a descent compressor you might look into getting yourself a little outfit. seems like harbor freight tools has some for a little as $40-45.

    good luck.

  8. well you asked what i'd do in your shoes so here goes. when i get cracks like that i usually take a two part clear epoxy, mix it up with a bit of sawdust and then force it well into the cracks with a small plastic squeegie like you get in a fiber glass kit. in fact i've used fiber glass epoxy on occasion. (hint..mix your sawdust in before you add the hardener to maintain your open time)

    then go ahead and cut your body to shape and let it acclimate again for a few days to see if the cracks re-appear or worsen. if they do put a little more epoxy in. it's very unlikely that the cracks will get so bad as to ruin the body.

    good luck with it.

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