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Posts posted by chrisb0109

  1. By the way...that looks GREAT chris...awesome job on your first. Everything looks pretty damn smooth, except for the string through spacing :D Whatever, I hope my first complete goes half that well.

    I personally hate gloss on natural wood...so try keep the sheen off, with whatever path you choose. I'm redoing my Les Paul pretty natural, and I'm just going over the mahogany in Tung Oil.

    Did you darken the mahogany or is it just that color in general? When I stripped the LP, my mahogany is less red, and less deep. I was thinking the tung oil would change that, but your's looks nice bare.

    Thank you very much. I am very proud of the way it came out. And yes the spacing for the string through is pretty off. But if you are judging that by the things on the back, I should tell you that they are not pressed in. They are jeust being held there by the string soi are going off in every direction. They are also a tad to far from the bridge which make it easy for the low E to slide off the saddle. I think I will fashion a string retainer muck like those used on the headstock of fenders to make the angle at which the string go over the bridge a little more severe.

    Is yours the one that was 3 pieces? If it is It look incredible so far.

    Mine ios not bare wood. I stained it black then stained it red on top of that. Thats how it became so dark. It is actually much deper in real life. The picture makes it look very brown and dull which it is not.

  2. I am new to guitar building. I am almost done with my first which turned out quite nicelt and will certainly not be my last.

    My problem is that so far I have found very few places that sell wood.

    This time I used warmoth and I know about stew mac but in the future I would like to go outside of the conventional mahogany, maple, alder, and ash option.

    Where do you obtain woods like Koa, wenge, paduak(sp?), etc?

  3. Ok I have finished my first guitar. All except the clear coat.

    I am torn between Stew mac's Clear gloss and clear satin. I have already order the gloss and it is set to ship tommorow. I can still cancel the order today.

    With the gloss I am afraid it will take away from the over all look of the wood as it is subtle grain. It would be too mirror like. Instead of seeing the grain you would just see reflections.

    I like th look of it now which assume would be close to the look of the satin laquer.




    any comments are welcome

  4. Welcome to the forum!

    First I would suggest you use the search feature on the forum, these sorts of questions have been asked many times.

    There's a painting tutorial at reranch.com and many here at project guitar.

    If you're haven't answered your questions exhausting those efforts, let us know! :D


    sorry about that. I didn't even see the search.

    I have heard about both tur-oil and nitro. Nitro seemed to be the better quality choice but I have heard it is hard to apply with out getting "fish eyes". Is this true as I do live in souther US and it is a bit humid.

    Does tu-oil have tha same problemns assiciated with it?

  5. Ok I am in the midst of building a guitar from scratch. It is not built and stained but I have no idea what to do for the clear coat.

    What is a good route to got for a beginner who has no professional spraying supplies and no ideal place to do the spraying?

    I will get a picture of the guitar up later as well.

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