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Posts posted by jer7440

  1. Rlrhett,

    Hey man thanks for the interest in my project! Sorry for the big delays. B) I had a little run in between my mill and a piece of quilt maple. Kinda took the wind (and the budget) out of my sails. I have some new maple for the top, I just need to get goin and make some time. I just need to ask my wife and my kids and my boss "what's really more important here?" :D:D


    My interest in CNC building comes primarily from my occupation. I program and run these machines all day long. It's a skill set I already have for the most part. Granted most of what I do for work is only 2D. I enjoy messin with this stuff. You are correct though that I have alot of time into the 3D design.

    As far a using CNC for one off stuff, this is really common in the prototype industry, at least where I am from. I have a friend who CNCs one off prototypes for a living. He cuts everything from modeling foam and plastic to tool steel. Most of what he does are plastic appearance models for consumer electronics. Things like cell phones and MP3 players. Once you get proficient with 3D modeling software, its a short jump the CNC machine.

  2. Just curious what you were modeling your carve top and neck with. I used Mastercam. It turned out alright, but It took a lot of fiddling. I just recently picked up some quilt maple for my top, but I haven't even had time to glue it up.

  3. Scott, I love that green guitar! That color is really growing on me... I mean literally, it's growing on me. JK. My favorite part of this guitar in the neck joint. Very cool.

    Godin, nice looking guitar. My only criticism would be the maple binding (I know, everyones favorite part). I think the maple looks great against the ebony alone, or against the wenge alone, but where all 3 come together I find it to be distracting. Your pictures are great though. Too bad this isn't a photo contest :D:D

  4. Yep. The world is all messed up. Most idiotic thing I've seen recently: catheters (wires for angiographies, futzing about inside blood vessels at various points), specifically for cardiology, labelled as such:

    Diamter: .014"

    Length : 190cm

    On one package. Made in Sweden.

    I kid you not.

    That gives me great faith in the medical world!

  5. Dude, I love the concept in the sketch! What you cut doesnt quite seem there yet, at least to my eye. I'm terrible at figuring out what exactly i'm seeing that I don't like, but.... my initial thought is that the transition between the carve and the flat is too abrupt. In your sketch, it feels like they flow together more smoothly, more roundish. I know it can be tough to get whats in your head into 3d cad. Maybe i'm just misreading your initial sketch, who knows. Just my .02.

  6. I believe you can tint Nitro lacquer with analine dies. It's often called a toner coat. Check out this tutorial.


    This guy is doing a sunburst, but he is spraying tinted lacquer over a sealer coat.

    Ok. my bad. Upon reading that tutorial more carefully, I don't think he was tinting lacquer. It looks like he was sraying alchol based analines and sealing between colors. Check out this tutorial as well.


    On about page 12 he talks about adding a blue toner to the clearcoat.

  7. Hey Chris,

    Check this place out for cutters.

    CME tools

    The link I posted was for a 1/16th inch carbide endmill with a 1/8 shank. This is the smallest one I saw but I didn't look very hard. You may want to call in your order and ask if they have any specials going on their carbide endmills. Alot of times they have sales that aren't reflected in their web prices. If you can find a source of better priced cutters let me know!

  8. i hear enough of them as well as simple plan through out the day that i am ready to rape and kill the next person that wants me to go to one of their concerts with them

    "Paging psyc consult to the players corner...psyc consult to the players corner." :D

  9. The measurement accross the posts of each are: .436 and .444 of an inch respectively

    Are you saying the diameter of your posts are .436 and .444? If you are the closest thing in inch measurement is 7/16, which is .4375. You should be able to find a 7/16 brad point bit no problem. I would drill a test hole first because your posts seem to be couple of thousandths too small. Probably won't be a problem, but the test hole can't hurt.

  10. I'm with Mickguard on this one. I have sperzel locking tuners on my strat, and I wouldn't use anything less! String up is so much easier. Locking tuners, they aren't just for tremelos anymore.

    Good luck with your build algee. Looks like it should be a sweet axe.

  11. Nice buy! $500 was a steal. That thing lists for about $1600 on amazon.

    As far as uses for guitar building, you could use it for anything drillpress related. Drilling holes for tuning machines, using forstner bits for roughing out cavities, drum sanding, etc. You could also use the milling functions for pickup cavities and such. If you picked up a Saf-t-planer from Stew Mac, you could also do quite a bit of wood surfaceing such as truing up neck blanks and what not. There are probably 1000 other things you could do as well.

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