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Posts posted by thrashncrust

  1. Hey guys I had an idea. Usually to save your battery life people unplug the cable from the jack when they have EMGs. I had an idea after working on my pickup winder. Instead of unpluggin you could just have a switch that goes from the battery to the input jack and whenever you are using it, just flip the switch and the battery wouldnt be drained of life I dont think. If any smarter people in electronics (ansil, lovekraft, and others) know this wont work or it will work let me know.

    i actually had an idea similar to this, but it included switching the battery off and switching to a passive neck pickup (at the time i didnt have the money to buy 2 emgs). you would have the emg and passive going to a switch, and have the battery wire going to another switch. you would then wire the battery connector in and wire in a jack. you would have to mount the switches real close to each other so you could switch them fast. i think that would work

  2. no worries bro! but i am getting a bit confuse here. you want a pickup with scooped mids at the same time with lots of mids? btw, duncans do have bright colors too!

    i meant i wanted a pickup that sounds good with scooped mids and a really middy thrash sound

  3. friedman uses a duncan jb and the duncan custom was designed for becker. i am not very sure what angelo use. the breed was build to thicken things up ala a les paul in a trem equipped guitar. it may suit your requirement but not ideal for shredding. but i have not heard or played one though.

    i am more familiar with duncan pickups and for shredding, 3 humbuckers comes to mind. jb, custom and distortion. that said, these 3 are pretty bright pickups as clarity and fast tracking is needed for shredding. of these, only the jb uses a5 magnet and the rest are ceramic.

    you may want to go for ceramic magnet pickups. the have the in-your-face tone that cuts through the mix and if they are too bright for certain applications, there's always the tone control. you can also fiddle around with pot and capacitor values to fine-tune the tone you are looking for.

    hope that helps!


    well i only shred with the neck pickup... so, im mainly looking for a bridge that is really crunchy, good for like scooped mids and thrash stuff with lots of mids, i will only buy dimarzio because they have the bright colors and stuff. thanks for the help btw

  4. i have some sort of kramer baretta neckthru (dont know the model) , i have a crate 120 watt blue voodoo. i like friedmans tone on the song "go off" by cacophony, i also like jason beckers tone on anything, michael angelos tone, vai's tone

  5. alright, well the fred in the neck works fine, but i have a question, i want a bridge pickup that gives me a very bassy metal crunch, but also good for soloing with not alot of ear piercing trebles (my old kramer quadrail sounded like a wah all the way up and it was horrible) will the evo do the job?

  6. I guess you could say its EMG, its their off-brand; "select". They were the only ones who make the pickup the way I need it (without the screw going thru the pickup, but rather a peice of the cover that sticks out the side with a screw hole in it). Being select, they are probably easy to scratch of, but who knows?

    maybe put a thin coat of black paint on the top?

  7. Well, you could exchange them and get the F-spaced pickups, or you could simply choose not to worry about it.

    I've used a non-F-spaced SD Alnico II Pro on my Strat bridge position for about five years now. No tone or volume problems here. That's with a relatively "weak" pickup output. The magnetic fields are so wide on passive pickups, especially Evos, that having the polepiece off a little isn't going to hurt your tone or reduce your volume THAT much.

    Vai might know the difference, but that's VAI. With a powerful pickup like the Evo in the bridge, you will not notice a difference in volume enough to crap your pants over. Also, the only thing that will really affect TONE is where you mount the pickup, say neck compared to bridge. The difference in spacing between "standard" and "F" spacing will not make a difference in tone between two otherwise identical pickups mounted in the bridge in the same type of guitar.

    Also, you probably won't need to exchange the neck pickup at all. The polepieces are probably lined up just fine.

    Tell you what. Mount the pickup in the guitar--but don't wire it up. String it up and see where the strings fall over the pickup. If the high-E is more than 1/8 or 2mm from the polepiece--you may want to consider exchanging it. But if it lays just on the very edge or within 1/16 or 1mm, don't worry about it, just keep it.

    thanks again, i might try that.

  8. hmm... well, a mixer usually has some resistors in series with the lines in- are you using a schematic for this?

    and another thought is- by the time you buy the project box and the pots and parts, you might as well consider this 39$ radio shack mixer:


    It also gives you sliders instead of knobs, and slider pots are hard to find and pricey- by the time you figure out how much you save doing it yourself divided by how long it takes you to build it... you may wind up paying youself 2$/hour for your labor... ...plus you know this way it's gonna work...

    I don't mind using radio shack gear for simple, cheap stuff. mixers have been around forever, so a Radio Shack mixer will be fine so long as you're not snooty about the brand name. I had one of this model and it was fine.


    nah, no schematic, i just thought it up in my head. i might check out that radioshack mixer, but i wanted something rack mounted, like the second link that lovekraft posted. thanks for both of your help guys!!!

  9. ok, ive got money now :D , so im gonna make this little mixer thing, but will this work... im getting one of those aluminum project boxes from r-shack, 4 pots, 4 1/4" inputs and 2 rca jacks (i have a cord that does double rca to 1/8" . im gonna have the 4 inputs installed in the front, have wires going from them to the pot, go from the pot to the rca jacks. will that work to where i can control the line volume of the instruments?

    p.s. im very tired so if i dont make any sense, let me know and ill type it out again later

  10. whats up everyone, for christmas i got 2 dimarzio's that ive been dying to get. evolution and fred, green and blue. well they arent f-spaced and they need to be, but i dont have the time to send them back to musiciansfriend, wait for them to process the exchange and then wait for them to send them back. so im just gonna keep them and use them. but, how much of a difference is there gonna be without the f-space?

  11. There are a few people that make the marshall mg series look like the squier of marshall. I don't think it is. I've played one and they are very nice amps IMO. I just wanted to see your alls opinions.

    i already said, you need a crate GFX65, the lead channel has soooooooo much distortion and sustain, its heavenly

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