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Posts posted by thrashncrust

  1. yo again, i was wondering how i could make a box with 8 inputs or 6, going into one input, so i can plug in a bunch of instruments and record on my computer, is that possible? or would it burn up something, please help

  2. seriously, play eruption ... its really not THAT hard, i managed it and ive been playing self taught 2 1/2 years, or black star by malmsteen , OOOH GOOD IDEA, grab a bunch of malmsteen tunes (preferrably in the same key) and make a malmsteen medley... call it far beyond the black star, malmsteen is fun to play and not too hard, its harder than just about any part of eruption... i would suggest playing black star, or if u can manage it... play some parts of no boundaries by michael angelo... i play some of that at school and blow away people like no one else at my school can... good luck once again

  3. since this is a talent show, i dont know you and your drummers playing capabilities but try something from dream theater!!! and if u cant do that, try some iron maiden, wasted years is very easy(a way to make it look cool is do the OVER UNDER technique in the beginning), anyway whatever you play... good luck

    p.s. my band is covering dance of eternity by dream theater and la villa strangiato by rush, so maybe u could try one of those, they arent easy but the are cool

  4. i have looked thru all 16 pages and havent found anything useful to me so far but now for my idea ,im thinkin about building a 7 string, mainly because i have access to shop tools at school and i need one for some dream theater covers... im thinking of using either all purpleheart or PHEART/WALNUT... and possibly neck thru, this will be my second and hopefully successful attempt at building a guitar. if anyone could send me some plans for maybe an 80s ibanez universe or something in that style with a neck thru 36 fret neck? i feel stupid cuz i really dont know what to ask, lol

  5. well first of all... im not gonna sell this amp , its loud as hell and i payed 120 for it, i cant really sell it because my mom will never buy me another if i do, it will take me years to save up for a recto or a xxx or any of that stuff seeing as how im 15 and have no job and wont get one... i might try that akai pedal, thanks for all the suggestions, or i might do a tube pre amp

  6. i cant find a diagram for my amp, which totally defeats the purpose? but i want distortion kinda like friedman sounding (cacophony years) or something with alot of gain... i hate using pedals... please help... i can take a pic of the insides of my amp, or ask for peavey for a diagram but i NEED MORE DISTORTION... and... is there a way to put in a tube preamp section in a SS amp? i doubt i could but i was wondering

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