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Posts posted by MikeCooley

  1. Hi, I have a question:

    Need I resonant wood for solid body guitar? Man who suply wood for violins, cellos, and violas give my this question

    and I really dont know... Probably resonant wood is better but I saw buiding guitar body from table and so on....

    thanks for reply.....

  2. 1)ok, I am not expected "good" reactions. I am afraid whats about sustain and soud... Its

    unusual for solid body. I would like to buid Flying V of spurce or try it...

    I will write abou it here... ok?

    2)to Mattia- Can you write me by icq or email?

  3. Hi everyone, I am Mike and I am from Czech Republic (Everybody Knows).

    Here we are a bit guitar backward, that is why I need help. Is here somebody,

    who have experience with drying wood own way? That is to say here in Czech

    doesn't exist some shop, where I can buy wood for guitar body. So if somebody helps me....

    ....Thanks :D

    (sry for English :D )


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