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Posts posted by Sacred

  1. Yeah, I'm using GHS "Boomers" right now, on my Strat. I'm always looking for new things.

    Ernie Ball, D'Addario, and GHS are probably my favorites, not too attached to a brand.

    Last year, I put a set of 20 some-odd dollar Elixers on my $150 Epi Les Paul. That was a mistake. They lasted for around 6 months, though, of light playing.

    hahahaha i paid $25.00 for those crappy Elixer strings, they lasted me about a month, what a waste of money they are, I have went back to the trusted D'Addario's

  2. I once saw Billy Gibbons playing a white explorer model with a furry body B)

    I liked the white neck, just like the Prince clowd guitar on purple rain.

    My buddy made a gold "Sign" guitar (like the guitar from "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince").

    It's fully painted in copper dust, just like a Gibson Goldtop. Even the fretboard is painted gold.

    A very ugly guitar, but in real life it's astonishing!!


    But painted fretboards are not my kind of thing though, except for maple with a vintage yellow finish :D

    YIKES :o :o :o

  3. hmmm I think around 1998-1999 somewhere in time i was looking for a certain guitar, the guitar was wearing a leather jacket and where the jacket was unzipped it showed bare wood..mmmmmmmm bare wood and then this really hot guy from florida answered me and we started to talk and stuff and then all of a sudden BAM KABOOM I showed up one day.

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