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Posts posted by scottyd

  1. nah all it does is slow down the curing process to give you a better window of time to install the parts.......cause once the paint fully cures its gets really hard, if the parts are already installed you dont need it, but this is besides the point, i dont see any need for it on a guitar.......i test sprayed some remnent wood and it turned out great, cant wait to the whole thing!

  2. thanks guys, im gonna give it a shot, my main worry was spraying it and leaving it for 15 min for the paint to "flash"and coming back just to see the glue joints coming apart, lol that would suck beyond belief......i got some laminated trimmings from my neck blank that ill shoot first to see what happens.....

  3. thank you! cool man the pics kinda small, so i couldnt get a real good look, im guessing by seal you mean like a primer sealer? if so a clear just over the woods probabaly out of the question huh....is it a good idea to use some type of transparent wood sealer and go over that with the poly? man i appreciate your help......thank you

  4. Scotty, i suggest you settle down. If you do in fact have considerable spraying and Urethane experience, you would already know the answer to your questions.

    yeah like i said its experience in autobody IE metal and plastic, not wood, i thank you both for your input, but i would like an answer from someone who knows if there are any adverse effects, i really want to use the paint because its got gloss and durability is like no other (gloss like hand rubbed laquer, durable like powdercoat), but i dont want to mess up all ive worked for, i guess next time i will ask the question a little different to avoid this kind of response, I will also pm LGM guitars as well, thank you for that information, i do think that its awesome that you in your own way are looking out for folks, even though i didnt ask for health risk advice, thats all included with the MSDS i appreciate your concern, I simply wanted to know if anyone has had a bad experience with that type of enamel or not.....but alas you are right i did step out of bounds with my frustrations..... :D i just took it way too personal, here is a pic of the last auto project i did, if you still want to question my experience with paint ill give you a link to a tutorial i did for it, as a matter of fact the quart of clear i have is left overs from the pt....


  5. What you need to worry about first is the reaction of your body to the harsh chemicals.

    Not being nasty, how much experience do you have with spraying?

    Do you have a spray booth? What kind of breathing equipment do you have. If you spray this stuff in an improper (non-spray booth) environment you can get sick as a dog, and the long term effects are pretty disastrous.

    This is not just over reaction. This stuff is nasty. It does produce a quick-cure hard shiney finish, but it has it's drawbacks like anything.

    This is a product for professionals and not hobbiests. I won't use it and I'm a semi-retired professional. Not 'cause I don't know how, but because I am not set up to do it, and I just don't like stuff that's this environmentally unfriendly.

    yeah im fully aware of the risks, and ive got plenty experience spraying, what the heck? you think just because it says newbie under my avater im stupid? pretty insulting.......I am fairly new to bass and guitar building, but automotive paint and body ive done for years....ive got adequate respiration and a spray booth.... sick as a dog is far an understatement, try irreversible nervous system and kydney damage.....but im sure you knew that, being a "semi retired professional" and all, the fact is i didnt ask about the effects it has on my body because I ALREADY KNOW THAT!!! Thank you for looking out for my "well being" but could someone please answer my orginal question please?

  6. quilted sapele is very nice IMHO looks a lot better than quilted maple, leopardwood (you could call it the snow leopard!) :D or lacewood, or snakewood, these are all woods with great crazy figure and they are lighter in color and might do what you want

  7. ok before some of you get too cocky i already did a search....... :D i got a quart of House of Kolor clear urethane that i was thinking of spraying my bass with, it takes a hardner and a reducer both of which are very harsh chemically ....so i was wondering has any one had any ill effects with the paint reacting with glue joints or causing wood to swell? thanks

  8. ok before some of you get too cocky i already did a search....... :D i got a quart of House of Kolor clear urethane that i was thinking of spraying my bass with, it takes a hardner and a reducer both of which are very harsh chemically ....so i was wondering has any one had any ill effects with the paint reacting with glue joints or causing wood to swell? thanks

  9. nice idea for the clamps... I was trying to think how i'd do something similar myself because i won't be able to find clamps for the body sides... How much did the clamps cost you?

    they were free, i work with a lot of metal so i had the angle iron and bolts, the all thread i got from work, it was all scrap.... when i do another body im going to slot the top holes of the body clamps to allow the all thread to rest on the top the blank then when i tighten them the natural bow of the all thread will put pressure and help keep the pieces in line......

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