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Posts posted by scottyd

  1. I was at one of the local music stores and they have a cirrus bass on display sells for $1899.00 so of course i had to play it. Well i beat on it a while, not to the store clerks liking, :D Its sounded good a little fret buzz but the action was set super low. I started looking it over and noticed the frets werent crowned, they were just flat like some one leveled them and called it quits. It got me wondering if anyone else has seen this on higher end instruments or do you guys think the store itself might have something to do with it. I just find it odd that an instrument of this caliber (or so i thought) would be like this...the ibanez two stands down had a nice fret job though! :D

  2. Still alot of work to do. I Buffed it out today, got all the hardware put on, a temporary nut and strung it up. I ran out of steam so ill have to wire up the pups and led for the fibers later. I also need to oil the fingerboard and buff a little more, make a truss cover, ect, heres a pic of what i got so far.


  3. how often is the HF flush-cut saw on sale ? I've never seen it on sale, and I get the HF catalogs in the mail on a regular basis.

    I dont know i was in there a couple of weeks ago and happened to catch it during a sidewalk sale. Great buy though. I guess it could have been a local thing.

  4. I totally agree. Now even if it were my job to build guitars and i made a living doing it I still dont think i would buy most of the tools they sell. I know that some tools, mostly the fretting tools and acoustic tools are needed if your banging out a high number of guitars a month but for the average hobby builder (like myself :D ) its just not needed..

  5. Ok on my current bass project i came about needing some tools for fretting. Well the first thing i did was bust out my trusty LMI and Stewmac catalogs, very dissappointing. Being the cheap guy I am I started searching the local Harbor Freight for the tools i needed heres what i found.

    1 Japanese flush cut saw -.024" kerf (I got mine on sell for 3.99 and extremly sharp!) you can add a "splint to it to make it more ridgid to cut slots. I bought my board pre cut so i mostly got this to clean out the slots after radiusing.) Cheap Saw

    1 Plastic and rubber faced hammer- (I paid 2.99 works great! mines bigger, has a wooden handle and didnt come with all the tips this one offers) Cheap Fret Hammer

    Files- $3.99 I already had a set of files so I didnt buy more. These are the ones i have

    Cheap Files

    Fret Cutter- $19.99 I aready had a set of these too. Still $8.00 cheaper than Stewmac!

    Cheap Fret cutter

    Im not going to say that these tools are any better than what Stewmac or Lmi offer but from the looks of it they dont look much different. I do know however I used the tools and they work just fine. I cant see me wearing them out any time soon. Also it should be pointed out that the "speacilty tools" offered by luthier shops are generic and without a namebrand. So more than likely they arent that much more of quality. I would just like to point out that you dont have to put out big money to support this hobby. These so called "speacilty" tools started life as regular tools! I encourage you to look at your local hardware stores and tool stores to save yourself a little money. Also the tools i chose arent the only options, theres alot more to choose from. You can compare some of the tools here StewMac

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