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Posts posted by altrker

  1. a pic would help. I am talking about a pedal board, and then a carrying case to go along with it. wether or not the pedal board is in the case or part of the case i dont really care.

    Are you talking about stricktly a carrying case, or also a case to have them sit in when using them?  If its both, you could always have a stopper block (basically just and angled peice of wood) and put that behind the breifcase so it angles toward you, and put the midi controller on the part thats leaning on the block.  If you have trouble understanding what I'm talking about, I'll make you a pic, just let me know.

  2. hey guys,

    I just have two quick questions (that none of my friends can really seem to answer). I am currently looking for a new guitar, of course to the average consumer something more expensive would apear to be "better". that's not so much my concern, I am looking for a guitar that would be somewhat easy to modify. I like the SG body styles, and I wouldn't mind have a Tele body style either. I am wanting to put in new pickups, a killswitch, and maybe later on put some electronics in there.. I haven't done modifications before so i am wanting to get into it. I was thinking a fender style guitar would probably be best since the parts are so easy to find (i don't know how expensive they are though). What you guys think?

    secondly, this may be in the wrong forum but I want to build myself a pedal board, I see no point in paying a lot of money for somethign I could do myself. What kind of wood is preferable when making pedal boards, and for the a carrying case, what is the best way to go about it?

    thanks in advance.

    keep rockin. :D

  3. hey guys,

    I recently considered moving to Guam (it's in the pacific) but I remembered when I was younger, and when I went to visit, that everyone's equipment always gets rusted from the costant air conditioning to outside transitions, that's on guitars, amps, and everything. is there a way to completely prevent this? would simply wiping it off all the time stop it?


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