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Posts posted by xebryusguitars

  1. Well i glued the top on, in a rush cause my GF was coming over, i forgot to mark off where to route. Also, i learned that i should definitely glue first, route second. I was planing to just drill a hole where I knew the humbuckers were because I measured distance from the neck pocket...but the drill press also broke. Its a GMC and the chuck just FALLS off after 2 seconds. Good thing its under warranty. Well the image hostings not working so just check it out at my webshots

    Check out the progress

  2. whoaaa. Small yet veryyy educational. Also it makes a great picture tutorial if you're not in the mood to read. Looks great. When you're done sanding and that things ready, itll be flawless. Love that style of les paul, would take it over gibsons anyday. Great job, just makes me wanna use my quilted maple to be able to take a shot at that

  3. Well i routed the neck pocket free hand and it turned out good for the first routing even, than the neck humbucker went good cept the bearing slipped and i took a little out and the bridge went horrible cause the bearing kept lifting up over the template. Well you learn that that little tube they give you is absolutely nessicary. Heres how it looks so far



    (the neck is veryyy snug B))




    Now i gotta order stuff to proceed. :D

  4. if this isnt a joke im just dumbfounded. First of all, if you're that scared of your guitar, give it away...than the second thing, he probably just tripping on acid, look at the backround, it looks like a crackheads apartment. Also, kinda peculiar that this is being sold RIGHT after this lady sold her husbands ghost and cane on ebay

  5. Well from my own experience the roller saddles are just a beeeze to deal with and sound a bit better than the regular ones youd find on a special 2. I hope someone responds to this with a better response. Did you find that website cause the ferrule post? :D. Just kidding, hope you'll make a good decision

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