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Posts posted by Marco-Brazil

  1. WoW! bealtiful guitars! I liket both but the orange one, is taking my breath away! hehe

    someone that live in Brasil, know how this thing, that he used to color the flamed maple, is named here???????

    I think that here is named ANILINA???? aniline in english. what do you think?

  2. FODA_SE!!! Este homem é um SENHOR!!!

    Sorry guys, I was giving him my congratulations in Portuguese... This guy really rocks!!

    Wix, tava a pensar fazer uma guitarra p mim, pq ñ me dás umas dicas?? B)

    Tb costumo estar n forumusica... c este nick!

    :D  with this :D

    Ei vcs usam FODA-SE em portugal tb hauhauahua q irado!

    Sorry guys, I was giving him my congratulations in Portuguese... This guy really rocks!!

    How can i see the pictures of the tuto??? thanks!

  3. *portuguese below*

    E ae meu fi?! Sou de Natal/RN e ae como é q estão os projetos das guitarras, putz to aqui desde o ano passado tentando terminar uma JEM e uma Xplorer mas to sem tempo a facu tá tomando meu tempo! E as tuas guitarras? Ei tem muita gente do Brasil aqui? valeu!!!!!!!!!!

    hehehe bull**** in portuguese! :D

    ADMIN EDIT- Sorry Marco. We don't swear here, even in other languages.

  4. Hey I´m Brazilian too! :D mohogany and brazilian rosewood are protected! They are in extinction so is harder to find this wood lawful, but how you now in the black market is very easy!

    Tiago Brasil

    E ae meu fi!? Como é q tá? consegui ver as fotos da tua guita naum! falas de onde? valeu!!!!!

    ps: don´t pay attetion on my poor english hehehe

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