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Posts posted by mailman

  1. How far back should the bridge be from the nut? I just kinda randomly placed the bridge where it is...

    Well, that depends on the scale length.

    I hope you're familiar with what that is....?


    i havnt decided completely what i want for the final guitar, but the one in the picturei s a 25" scale length neck

  2. hmm....longer eh...

    i definately dont want it to be a Baby-Dean size body, is that what it looks like to you guys?

    I think i'll try to scale it a bit bigger

    and just for the record, how far back should the bridge be from the nut? i just kinda randomly placed the bridge where it is so it might be making the body look smaller than it really is

  3. what do you mean - send it to doug??

    Doug here is gonna be making it (or at least thats the understanding we have at the moment)

    Do you mean Doug at Soulmate Guitars? If so, why not discuss this stuff with him, since he's the one who's gonna have to deal with it? I mean, we can tell you anything, but we don't have to translate it to wood. :D

    i'm just looking for suggestions visually

    i figured a collective opinion on the design might help a bit

    of course, when doug makes it i'm sure there will be on the fly construction-related changes, but thats a given

  4. Yep, thats about right, 843 mm = 33 inches.  Ya hafta think metric sometime, ya know.  :D  But thats still about 5 inches short for a tele.

    i just pulled the 843 number outta thin air. it was still hundreds of inches

    my program was set to inches, so shouldnt it have resized itself accordingly?

    seriously. i copied and pasted one of theirs next to a 100% scale guitar i drew, and it was thousands of times bigger than mine.

  5. If you're having the problem with guitar and amp in separate rooms, it's almost certainly not feedback - Paul and Bill have both made some good suggestions based on guesses about what you have going on, but it's going to be impossible for anybody to do more than just guess without a clear and accurate description of your problem. Did you have the same problem before you "dialed in" your glorious new sound? Do you know the difference between hum, hiss, buzz and feedback? They're not interchangeable, and they all have different causes and solutions. If you'll post your entire signal chain and the specific noise problem you're having, one of us is bound to be able to help - until that information is available, this thread is pretty much a waste of time.

    its a buzz, my mistake.

    my chain is guitar >> amp >> furman EQ >> speakers

    its not the EQ cuz i have the buzz w/o it

    but the eq does amplify it

    i'm guessing it has to do with my computer or bad wiring in my house from what you guys are telling me..

  6. Sounds like a buzzing problem rather than feedback.  Feedback is a high pitched squeel caused from an interaction (accoustic coupling) between the amp and the guitar (strings or pickups).  Buzzing is electrical noise.

    I would suspect a faulty ground somewhere.  The power supply in your house could be noisy and that's a huge problem.  If you have flourescent lights or a computer on near your guitar or amp, turn them off.  Neon lights also cause buzzing.  A hair dryer running on the other side of the house will also make the power lines noisey.  Your house could also just have crappy wiring.  Try plugging in at a different place in the house.

    Does your amp buzz reguardless of how you have it "dialed in"?

    well it does squeal, believe me!

    but yeah. if i turn my guitar to the right angle it will disappear, regardless of its proximity to my computer.

    this goes for any guitar i have.

    and its a peavey XXX

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