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Posts posted by mailman

  1. sentinel2kj.gif


    okay for those of you not familiar with this long waited project, this is it

    now the poll...

    i cant decide between my originally planned stripe top, the laters thought about Mirror Ball top like Paul Stanley, or a new "Black Mirror" top

    the first looks like THIS

    the second would be like this. i'd rather go with a "real" broken glass look than the "pretty" one KISS uses

    the third is a black mirror. i talked to the guy at kamn guitars and he said he is working something out to maybe make this possible. it would pretty much be black broken glass, cool eh?

    so between these 3 options, which hardware to use? gold means gold trem, gold knobs, gold fretwire

    rest is pretty basic

    which top to use?

    all help and input greatly appreciated!

    and to answer your rpobable question:

    doug and I are commencing on this in a week or two. we are finalizing the specs now and this is something ive been stuck on so i'm leaving it up to you guys!

  2. okay, ive taken your ideas of making it a little more classy into consideration

    how about this:

    quilt maple or bubinga top, or w/e

    solid black like a black beauty

    and instead of the huge white trans stripes, thin almost pinstripping instead spread out more so its more black than stripes. and the stripes be more of an aged/golden with the trans-quilt under neath it to give it some 3d depth

    back natural

    cream/black binding, gold hardware, gold block inlays

    sound better?

  3. the expenses are on par with just about any other USA made guitar out there

    and this is about as "original" as any other guitar on this board. nothings original anymore, just different takes on old ideas.

    as far as figured woods go, i think quilt bubinga is a nice figured wood. how is that bad?

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