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Posts posted by Kammo1

  1. Hi guys just would like some opinions and others on this board may benefit as well as to what you guys are using for clearcoating in the 2K range ie acrylic urethanes,poly etc ? I have been using a lacquer and have to admit the shrinkage and drying of this is way too troublesome and I have decided to use the 2K stuff from now on. I understand I have been reading alot about pinhole problems in these and have to say it is worrying me as I don't want more problems but less :D so fire away guys what clears have you been using and what are the ones to avoid and ones to go for make,brand and type etc, hope some of you may help CHEERS!

  2. Nice guitar bro and if I can make one critiscmn and that is I would of stained the top a black or very dark brown let it soak in the grain and then sand off when it's dry. The reason being is it will accent the flame and make it really pop out when you get the red stain on it and then when you clearcoat it you will be amazed at the detail. How do i know I did exactly like you and the red was way overpowering and dulled the flame, trust me bro on this Laz.

  3. Hey Vinny I too have looked at the Vectric software and its amazing and looks so simple and easy to use. I e-mailed their tech dept about various questions regarding what it can do and trust me you can use this stuff to make absolutely anything to do with guitar making so it sold it for me and the demos on youtube look great as well, the Vectric Aspire looks incredible but it is rather expensive but then again if it makes it easy and produces excellent results why not. I too will try and do a build log as I get going and would love to see yours as well

  4. Ciao Libero, unfortunately I speak better fluent Italian than I can write. My mother was born in Italy in Lacedonia and my father was Yugoslavian and I was born in Peterborough Cambs but now live in Nottingham for the last 24 years, I have many relatives around Italy too many that I've lost count, they all have sons and daughters and the family is getting bigger and bigger, god knows how I will invite them all when my daughter gets married but I'll cross that bridge when it comes to it. Nice to see a fellow brother on this wonderful site CHEERS!

  5. I've often wondered how this was done and one way is to scan an image of the guitar remembering to make sure it is a flat frontal view then importing it to Autocad and then using a trace element in the software and then removing the scanned image leaving the traced outline and then knowing a known measurement ie body width,length etc or what i would do is use the 2 3/16th neck pocket blow the whole image to this and the rest should be dimensioned exactly, hope this helps.

  6. 50mm or 2 inch cutting profile should be plenty bro with a 40mm long 1/2 shank. The overall diameter of the cutter depends entirely on what size bearing you use on the bottom whether its a 1/4, 3/8ths or 1/2, the bigger the bearing the bigger the diameter of the cutter as you have to follow the curve of the diameter and the cutting length ie 2 inches, so the diameter will depend on where the cutting profile ends if you see what I mean. I would probably not go for the 1/4 inch bearing but more for the 1/2 so the overall diameter of the cutter will be about 19mm if I'm correct. Maybe just maybe the firm that you are using have 19mm diameter cutters already that can be adapted by fitting a 1/2 bearing on the bottom and then working the profile or grinding it this ? Also please remember the cutter profile must be "EXACTLY" perpendicular to the fretboard that you will be radiusing as if this is off you will end up with the cutter cutting a more sharper radius than you intend. Bro PM me and give me you e-mail addy and then I can send you a sketch of what I mean, a picture is worth a thousand words, again many thanks and hope this venture makes you a nice little earner as I'm sure everybody will have some at a good price. I would love a full set from 7 1/4 inch radius to 16 inch radius as I use a variety of radiuses on every build that I do, many thanks again.

  7. Hi no problems bro. I am a custom maker here in the UK who has been building for over 25+years and I would gladly like to test the cutter out and I'll even pay for it bro I don't expect it for nothing as equally others shouldn't expect it for free either so don't undervalue your services, remember you are helping us luthiers here in a job that is very tedious and sometimes innacurate so it works 2 ways and if you can make these cutters to a high quality I'm in no questions at all. PM me through this board and we can sort things out if you so wish, Regards Laz aka Kammo1

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