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Posts posted by Ledzendrix1128

  1. what i dont understand about this method is... how do you go about sanding back the grainfiller without cutting into the actual black paint... i would think if it scratches the base coat you put down... it would ruin the color of it.. or show scratches even when you put down the nitro...ive never done this before... but im thinking about doing it on my next project, and i was just wondering if there was a step by step process. I was also wondering whats to stop someone from sanding through the base coat of paint. Thanks again.

    - Louis

  2. Got my hardware today. I test fitted it. The nitro still has about a week left to dry though. I put a small dent in it. Does anyone know how to fix these? can i get some nitro softener or soemthing? or will it come out in buffing... I say its small... but its small and kinda deep. Due to the fact this is my first finishing job im not expecting it to come out perfect. But whatever... anyway heres a pic...


    and heres my pickgaurd wiring


    I tested the wiring out with an old string by stretching it over the pickups... and it all works good. The pups that are in there now are cheap epiphone pickups off an LP standard. These will definately be replaced when i get the cash for them.... I would be committing a crime by leaving them in this guitar

    EDIT - Looking at this pic i realized how hard it is to see the quilt in the artificial light... the next pics i take will be in sunlight so hopefully youll get to see it. Oh yeah, the neck from warmoth is shipping out on tuesday supposedly. Thats gonna be Goncalo Alves with a Pau Ferro fret board, and abalone dot inlays. Hopefully this will be finished within the next few weeks... I have to get surgery on my knee this friday though... so i dont know what ill be able to do after that... :D

  3. Does anyone know what kind of wire i should buy at radio shack to wire my pickgaurd for my strat. I have this crappy thin wire here but it seems too weak and the coating around it is old and kinda brittle. Is there anything you guys have used that seems to give good results? (i.e. cloth wire, or sheilded wire)


  4. There certainly ARE people who like the concept of communism, Ledzendrix.  :D  Legions of them.  But I think you'll discover is that the problem is that communism has NOT worked.  The countries that adopt communism as a political goal inevitably become fascist states, instead.  :D

    lol.... yeah i was just kidding about that... but anyway... can you get a set of needle files suitable for carving nut slots with at a hardware store? or are they more a specialty thing that ill have to get online?

  5. I just tried to use black stain on mahogany... not bad results... but ive read somewhere that the maple for necks tends to be so hard that some times it is VERY hard to get the wood to take the stain. So in my opinion i wouldnt stain maple black... it is going to take a lot of work to get it to work right most likely... and when its all done there will probably be subtlties wrong with it that you'll want to spend more time fixing. Id go with thegarhanman's idea of just a headstock veneer. The maple on the back shouldnt be a huge problem... ive heard of entire necks being made out of ebony though... warmoth sells them... i dont know if youve made the neck already or not... another option is just to laquer the neck black... but staining that hard maple i dont think would give you the results that your picturing in your head

  6. do the saddles curve down in the middle at all? because like marksound said, most vintage style tremelos dont have string slot, just a U shaped saddle keeps it in place

    Nope, its straight across... the saddles arent the kind that are solid... its the type that is a flat peice of metal bent up... ill try to find a picture of it

    **EDIT... heres a picture of the saddles that are the same style as mine, except mine are gold


  7. So, is it possible to get a relitively inexpensive file at a hardware store that i can notch the saddles with, and possibly a nut? Or am i gonna have to pay for shipping from a luthier's supply store online. Im still waiting for my finish to dry on my guitar so ive got about another week before i need to have the bridge ready, and even then i still dont have a neck due to the fact i cant work right now... so no paychecks are commin in :D

  8. yeah... im kinda angry...

    I got my bridge from warmoth today... and it has no slots... :D i guess this wouldnt be a HUGE problem if i had known i was ordering a bridge with no slots... but it doesnt say anything about it on their website... i dont know when the last time i saw a bridge sold without slots was.... it also wouldnt be that bad if i had a set of slotting files and a little experience slotting bridges... so does anyone have any advice on what i should do... other than buy a new bridge?

    **EDIT - the bridge is gold... and im not sure if its gold plated or not... so if i end up filing the bridge myself i dont really wanna hit a silver part... maybe i should just buy new saddles...cuz i really have no experience doing this...

  9. no.. i would be putting a top on the oak... but i just looked at the boards... i think its a no go... it might good for building a dog house... but theres sooo many knots in it. I think it would be less heart ache to find somethin at a lumber store that i really want. Oh well, they get a lot of wood in there.... im sure there will be another opportunity.. .im on pretty good terms with my shop teacher... he said hed give me some Ash for no charge at all. Who knows though.. maybe ill pick a peice thats good

  10. Hey everyone,

    Ive noticed that alot of people seem to be using the carvin necks now. I plan on building a through neck guitar as soon as I get surgery on my ACL, and im back working again. But i was wondering if these can be used with a tune-o-matic bridge. I know the tune-o-matic is set pretty high, thats why les pauls have the angled neck. I was wondering if you have to use a flat mount, or recessed style bridge with that carvin neck. Or maybe some body design to accomodate the Tune-o-matic vs. a flat mount. Thanks in advance


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