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Posts posted by Recursion

  1. I want to put duncans in it but I havent decided which one. The neck joint is very small right now but im not finished routing. I wish I would have done the AANJ style neck pocket. (1 Mistake) The body split apart when a friend dropped it but it didnt come apart all the way so I just filled it.(2 Mistake) I bought the head stock from stewmac and cut the notches myself.(3 mistake)lol

    Anything I can do about these things?

  2. Your right drak, that amp is nothing compared to a fender twin reverb from the sixties. Its like a copy of a fender twin reverb.Ill correct that in my post. Where did I compare it to a vintage traynor amp?? As for the shipping it is 30+10 insurance. You have to remember it cost to package the product, and if your doing a good job it isnt cheap.

  3. I was using just regular wood glue but it didnt hold up very well. Ive never used tidebond though. Which one is the very best (Titebond II Gallon Titebond II Premium Wood Glue)

    Item # 86090

    Model # 5006



    Titebond Gallon Original Wood Glue

    Item # 117199

    Model # 5066


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