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Posts posted by GEdwardJones

  1. I'll peruse it when I get off work. I know that Warmoth has some material that would work perfectly. Just a quick glance shows that they've got some stuff I might want, tho. that being said, my old guitar teacher used to cut me deals on WD stuff too (that's how I got the blue PG for my 550) and since I've known him for almost 20 years I have to ask him first. It's a friend thing....

    thanks for the tips, tho.

    ever try to make a wood pickguard? just curious.

  2. OK, so I have this project a 450 that I've been working with on and off since, I think, forever. Well now that the weather's cooled down and it's not 100% humidity every day I figure I can finish the clear coat on it and after that all I have left is mounting the electronics.

    Don't have a pickguard. oops.

    I've got an old 550 pickguard but the mounting holes are wrong. I could get a custom one made, I guess, but I figure it'd be not terribly hard to cut one out myself. So I ask you, suggestions on materials, sources for materials, how the heck do I figure out where to put the mounting holes.


  3. Never-ending RG450 project.

    Now that it's not tres humid here I'm going to try to finish clearing it. Still need to buy a pickguard (or make a pickguard. is there a pickguard making tutorial? If there isn't there should be........) and a single coil for it.

    My fiance' is trying to convince me to build a guitar from scratch, but I think I'll grab a couple of flying v's from Rondo Music and try to make my dream hot-rod V a reality.

  4. OK, please check all the jokes at this point, trust me there's not one you can say that I haven't already thought of....

    Since we're on the topic of wood putty. The screws which attach the footboard to the side of my fiance's bed have in some cases stripped out and in one case pulled through the wood. The bed is still fairly solid, but this weekend we were going to take it apart, fill the holes, tap them and put new screws in.

    Any suggestions on a putty that would fill the bill.

  5. I checked out a couple of sites on this new type of pup and the ones I found were for bass only, is this true?

    From what I found they're described as reproducing the natural sound of strings/wood etc with no colouring of the tone whatsoever.

    While this may be acceptable for bassists  it may not be so good for guitarists.

    Maybe that's why I couldn't find any for guitars?

    We use different pups on our axes in order to achieve a particular tone that we want, Vintage,JB, distortion, single coils,humbuckers etc etc

    Another thought is that these optical pups would highlight shortcomings in cheaper instruments so that you could only use them on axes made of quality timber etc whereas conventional replacement pups would help to shroud and/or enhance the crappy tone of a guitar made of inferior timbers.

    I guess this applies to basses as well.

    A Squire "P" bass can be made to sound a lot more like a MIA Fender "P" bass if you install pups by Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio etc etc .

    If you install one of these new optical pups then the Squire "P" bass might sound even less like the real thang, dig?

    I'm not exactly sure what you're saying here.

    I'd figure there'd be a lot of applications for this especially in the acoustic and jazz realms. Hell, part of the reason EMGs were so hot in the 80s was because they're a pretty "neutral" pickup.

    If these don't end up being stupidly exspensive I'd love to see what they sound like on a couple of my favorite guitars.

  6. I'm cool. Mostly working, guitar playing's been spotty thanks to a stubborn bout of tendonitis that I keep aggrivating (that happens when you work with computers for a living).

    Mostly spending time with my soon-to-be-fiance and our dog.

    said woman also fuels my G.A.S., it's not pretty.

  7. Kevan doesn't mention the part where this was the guitar he learned how to adjust a truss rod on. :D (Use your imagination, you'll be correct)

    Also, by "lighter" we're talking almost impreceptibly so. The pictures are actually after I took some steel wool to it to get it a little bit lighter than it was.

  8. Some of you remember a loooooooooong time ago, before I thought Jemsite was stupid I started working on a replica of the prototype BSB Jem.

    This is that guitar, it's not like the original BSB.

    The body is Kevan Geier's very first Ibanez, a (Kev, what was the year again?) DSY RG550. It had been stripped and refinished three times by the time I got it. Since I wasn't a big fan of the brown shellac that was on it when I got it I stripped it, burned the frag out of the body and stained it with Minwax "Midnight Blue" stain, which Kevan assurred me would DEFINITELY dry lighter.

    It didn't.

    So much for the burning.

    The Humbuckers pickups are from Kirk Slossar's first Ibanez a similar vintage 550 which was converted to a LNG Jem then to a white Jem. He sold them to Dennis Secord who was going to put it in his project 550, but soon realized he hates them in basswood. They're evolutions and I'm iffy on them, they don't suck, but they lack a certain *umph*. the single coil is "some Fender thing" that the guy Keve sold the guitar to (that would be the guy I bought it from if you're keeping score) put in it.

    The pickguard is from WD.

    My fear of soldering irons kept this one in pieces for a while after I got the actual guitar. For our anniversary my girlfriend took it to a local shop and had them put it back together.

    I will never go to said shop again as their work was a little less than *good* (the grounded the pickups to the trem claw SCREW). The pickups are wired, as far as I can tell, like this

    1 - Neck

    2 - Neck front coil/Mid

    3 - Neck/Bridge

    4 - Bridge - Parallel

    5 - Bridge

    This is similar to the wiring of the PGM10. It's not what I asked for. But it's not bad.

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