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Posts posted by tschommer

  1. Looks good.  I really like the inlay at the 12th fret.  Why do you have pickups at the bridge and middle?  Why not bridge and neck?

    No real reason I guess. I filled in the bridge pickup route and the hotdog route so I decided to fill the neck pup route in as well I then decided to move it just because I thought it might look cool. I also always liked the look of the Kramer Nightswan that had a humbucker in the middle and bridge. To be honest though pretty much every decision I made on this guitar were due more to aesthetics than function. I actually cringed when I ordered the EMG 89 because it has a copper colored hot foil stamp. It sounds pretty stupid but when you get a theme going sometimes you go overboard.

  2. mightn't it look better if you cut a regular chrom Tele control plate to form to the top part of the strat jack, so that they appear like one big piece, like in the mock-up?

    I never really intended to do that. I changed the mockup a little to make it more obvious. I work for a company that has a laser engraver and lots of different types of plastics so I always intended to make the control plate out of the same white acrylic as the pickup mounting rings. Having a chrome control plate would look cool but I like the way the glossy white plastic sets off the chrome knobs and switches.

    It reminds me of one of Prince's "cloud" guitars.

    I had that thought as well even when I was working on it though it was not intentional. I admire his talent but I'm not a big fan his. The company I work for had one of the cloud guitars in for some work (fret markers) long ago so maybe I was subliminally influenced then.

    Wheres the Tele-gang to rip on that Trem?? I guess I'll do it for them:

    SHAME on you!!

    Yea! Where are they! I have been bracing myself for some criticism (I'm still waiting...) I also post over at the TDPRI and was thinking of showing some pictures just to see the reactions :D. It's funny how you could put 10 pickups on a strat and try to install a trem onto a headstock of a Strat and no one cares but if you even put a 6 saddle non-ferrous bridge plate on a Tele people freak out. Oh well.

  3. Here's the story...

    There was actually a ton of work on this guitar considering that I did not really build anything.

    This started out with me just wanting a guitar with a Floyd because I have not had one in over 10 years. I was thinking about buying until I found a nice Floyd copy on ebay at a good price (new even!). I figured that I would install it on a traditional Tele body and a maple / ebony Carvin neck that I had laying around and I would just turn it into an ugly beater guitar. I soon realized that the bridge pickup route would interfere with the floyd rout so I decided to fill the bridge pickup route with a wood block and, well one thing led to another...

    Here are the Specs:

    - Heavily modified traditional Tele body. Painted with matte white.

    - Floyd Rose licensed tremolo.

    - Warmoth maple / maple paddle head neck w/ shaped reverse headstock, sprayed with white oak stain and Minwax Poly/Acrylic clear.

    - White EMG 89 in the bridge position, White EMG SA in the middle position

    - Custom laser cut pickup mounting rings and control plate cover made from high gloss white acrylic.

    - Gotho lefty tuners

    - Strat style jack located into Tele control plate.

    Nothing all that original to be honest but this is really an incredibly visually striking instrument, I'm really happy with the way it turned out.

    I don't have any good pictures yet (it seems to be really hard to get a good photo of it) but here is the illustration I did before I started the project. I will try to post post some photos in a few days. It's a little too late to change anything but wondering what you guys think.


  4. I bought one from him about a month ago for a project I'm working on, but it's still a few weeks from being assembled so I can't give a review on it quite yet. The trem seems like a nice high quality unit but all along I have been concerned about tuning stability with no lock at the bridge. Also, I'm not sure what it's compatible with, I was just going to use all of the routing templates off of the floyd rose site but I realized that they won't work so I ended up having to create a whole set of templates from scratch. Thankfully I have access to a laser engraver at work and a cool boss so I was able to cut a set of templates out of 1/4" acrylic.

  5. Holy Parallel Guitar Development Development Batman!!

    Great Minds think alike!

    I'm working on a very similar project right now, same body and same neck at least. Here is a photo of the work in progress.


    My concept was to build a Tele that looks like the current line of G5 PowerMac computers though. I had the project on the back burner for a while but was just recently re-inspired after getting a 20" alum apple studio display at work. My version will have a matt finish on the body (matt anodizing?) and EMG pups to stay with a high tech theme. Also coincidentally I ordered an Aluminum Tele body from Marty at Sprucehill Guitars in late 2003 and did not receive it until march of last year. I emailed him all the time and kept getting these excuses that he "Took Sick". In his ebay listing where he talks about being in a hurry and all sales final I think he was talking about me. I badgered him quite a bit and threatend to cancel the order. I was also pretty unhappy about the way the bridge was drilled because I wasted to use a vintage style bridge with a ashtray cover. Also the only place that I could find a modern style Tele bridge was used on Ebay. Did you but your neck from Moses? I did and I was kind of ticked that the thing was molded for a Strat neck pocket and not the more squared off Tele style.

    Good Luck finishing that thing up. I'm anxious to hear mine, I have no Idea how it will sound.

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