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Posts posted by shinjiakari22

  1. Haha, roger that!

    I saded the fret board and now its just awaiting on me to get some money to order a new truss rod and binding.

    **edit - Btw (even though this doesnt pertain to finishes) im making a pickgaurd soon, it will be made out of high laminate wood from a local hobby shop. I want to make it ebony to fit the theme of the guitar. Oh and question, how do I go about "ebonizing" a fret board?

  2. Sorry, this is my first time dealing with any of this stuff so you might have to dumb it down for me haha.

    Ill check on the stain I have in the morning, alls i know is that my dad uses it on furniture and such.

    Also on the original color on the guitar...should I sand the clear coating off it then stain the brown, then clear coat everything?

  3. Ok well I have an old Ibanez RX series that I cut a handle in etc...

    The finish on the body is a teal/forest green wood stain. I sanded down the front and back and left the sides untouched...it looks rather neat. What I would like to do is keep the edges that green stain (partley because im too lazy to sand it) and stain the front and back a brown to get a forest kind of look.

    Now on to the question..

    How do I go about doing this...do I just sand the clear coat off the edges and be careful about not goin all the way through the green stain then apply the brown and clear coat the whole thing for the finish?

    Heres the pics:


  4. Ok so I started the removal..Everything was goin fine (just a little bit of wood messed up under the begging of the board). But when i was using the Iron to heat the board i used a towel for the first part and all went well. In one of the tutorials it explained i didnt need the towel for dark fret boards. So I tried w/o the towel and now the white plastic trim on the board is melting...How can I replace this?

  5. Well I received yet another free guitar...its an Ibanex RX series. Seems to be a cheapy but also looks like I could convert it to a JEM.

    I already started on the handle.

    The only major diff. I see is there is no recess on the back at where the neck joins...and the neck jount is square, not rounded.

    Do yall think it would be possible for a full conversion using this body?

  6. I traced the body on a large piece of paper...Im thinking i can either scan it in pieces (because its too big for the scanner) or head down to Kinkos and have them scan it. After I have a full size scan I can then go clean it up and make it into a digital line drawing and begin pasting pictures on it in photo shop. A little blending, drop shadowing, and burning here and there and it will be ready to be professionally printed and glued on the guitar.

  7. Lol, I never thought about using photoshop...even though its sitting on my desktop. Im not sure where I would get a 1:1 template of a Peavey predator plus guitar body (yes its crap but free!)

    Is there any specific glue I should use? And also...what kind of clear coats are out there?

    1 more thing. I plan on doing the head too (just the front side). Pretty much just to cover up the peavey logo haha. Is there anything i need to know about that area?

    Heres the pics of the guitar I'll be using.

    The guitar link!

    **Edit- What would be the best method of removing the paint/stain...Im thinking im just gonna take the sander to it.

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