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Posts posted by arizonagt

  1. You say you are far away from everywhere...but not where in the world you live. As I am in Australia, I may not be the best person to advise on this either. As well as the parts you list, there are a few more to my modified version...then there are things like switches and such that will be required to get it into a guitar. First you need to understand what you are getting yourself into. You will need a decent soldering iron for electronics, flux cored solder and a multimeter is essential for a start.

    Finding the 0.2mm wire in small quantities seems to be a particular problem, Mouser electronics and small bear, etc will have all the electronic components required.

    Also how would I go about wiring the circuit into the guitar, would I just wire the bridge pickup to the output as well as the input for the amplifier or is there something more complicated involved?

    If this is a one pickup guitar, this is pretty much it...plus a switch to turn the power to the circuit on and off. A gain control can also be of use on the outside of the guitar but not essential if you don't have a spot for a spare pot. On a single pickup guitar a push pull pot could be used to activate it and another for the harmonic switch (dpdt)...in practice, toggle switches are easier to use.

    If there is any other pickups things can get very complex and difficult...sometimes impossible!

    Hope that helps a bit for starters...give me a bit more detail and look at those threads and recent pages here as I probably have answered a lot of questions you will have in recent weeks for "the edge"...in fact he may be able to advise you more :D


    As far as location I'm in Hawaii so i'm incredibly limited as far as stores.

    The guitar currently has two humbuckers but i'm planning to completely remove the neck pickup and use only the bridge so it will be simply a one pickup guitar.

    Basically my only experience thus far is completely re-wiring most of my guitars for various reasons (swapping out pickups, replacing bad pots, etc.) but nothing really more complicated.

    In regard to the parts I have all of the switches i'll need laying around from other guitar modifications that turned out to be impractical.

    As for the tools I'm completely set as well, i just need the parts for the amplifier circuit and the wire for the driver.

    And thank you for the helpful response.

  2. I'm very new to electronics (and brand new to this forum) and I was looking for a bit of advice.

    First on the driver I have an old single coil I'm planning on modifying as explained HERE.

    This is where I'm having trouble.

    The guitar I plan on modifying currently has a Dimarzio Steve's Special bridge pickup (390mV) and I was wondering if i needed to bother with the whole Fetzer thing or if it has a high enough output that I could get away with just using the Ruby amplifier.

    It looks like the parts required for the ruby amplifier are (from above site):

    LM386 power amp

    DIL8 IC socket

    2x 100K trimmer

    1K trimmer

    Resistors: 1M, 1.5K, 68K

    Caps: 22n, 100nF, 22uF, 100uF, 220uF

    JFET J201

    Could someone correct me if I am wrong?

    Also how would I go about wiring the circuit into the guitar, would I just wire the bridge pickup to the output as well as the input for the amplifier or is there something more complicated involved?

    Could someone point me in the direction of a website that sells all of the required parts for the amplifier? I live far from anywhere that would sell the required parts.

    Finally even though it's probably been done before could someone please post (or direct me to) clear pictures of the ruby amplifier? I honestly have no clue as to what most of the symbols on the schematics represent so it would be nice to see the actual thing in stead.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

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