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Posts posted by GreatGremlin

  1. Well, I've started out building my first guitar, and really, half of what I'm doing is guess work. I figure a lot of what I'm doing people will think "That will sound like crap", or "I think thats going to break" but its really just for fun anyway.

    Anyhow, the questions at hand. My design is rather complicated, with a really elaborately shaped body and a hand made headstock with the controls mounted in it as well as it being 12 strings.

    My questions are as follows; If I use some substantial bolts, can I secure a seperate headstock to the neck I have with the headstock cut off? Ive been hearing that the wood the body is made of effects harmonics, how bad of a result will I get from my 4 peices of glued together 1x8 plywood covered in car bondo? How would I need to mount the pick ups to fully hear all 12 strings? What would be the results of me routing a groove all the way down the back of my neck to run wire through up to the headstock? Is www.guitarpartsusa.com reputable?

    I have a few other questions but they'll require pictures of what I have so far, which I'll have soon. Thanks to anyone who can help me, don't feel the need to answer all the questions.


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