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Posts posted by TenderSurrender

  1. Sorry, I don't like it...it's just reinventing the wheel. That lower horn just looks dorky.

    I'd say, either go for a true reversed strat design, or go for a Mosrite (which is pretty much the same thing...)

    Ive got to agree with idch on this one, Im not prefectly sure what puts me off the design of that guitar it just dont seem right (which probably doesnt help you at all)

    Go for a true reversed strat... they look cool anyway :D

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  2. There very nice guitars mind you but i dont see them as gig worthy really.. much more suited at home in the studio.. then again Line 6 stuff is always studio worthy :D

    hey has anyone seen those line 6 variax gutiars that has a knob with lots and lots of effects? well would anyone know if theres somethign i can put in a guitar to have lots and lots of eefects on a knob also without paying a ton of money? thanks

    Yes its possible try looking on google or using the search feature here for onboard effects or something of the like...

    I know many guitarists who use onboard effects for there guitars...! For example the guitarist from Muse uses a midi controller for his... giving him all those really cool feedback options...although i beleive (and am probably wrong) that it is very expensive

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  3. As long as noone is getting any flack over their input, I shall add mine. You have one or two leaking output transistors. They can, in fact, still test good with a common transistor tester. I have a gain/current tester that catches these little turds when they get cranky but it is usually more efficient to just replace both (for like $14.00) and move on. Duck season! Wabbit season! Wabbit season! Duck season! FIRE!  (Quote from Loony Toons)

    Perhaps i should of thought of that :D

    Good call doctor :D

    A failing diode surley wont be helping matters though?

    Not quite sure but ahh there we go

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  4. hey..thanks for the educated guess..and i doubt that anyone here is gonna flame you for trying to help..well, there is that one guy but he's not very big. :D

    lol well im here to help whenever i can

    I agree with essex dave that itll be intresting to see the outcome of this... if your feeling rebelious and handy with a soldering iron try replacing the diode i mean heh cant get any worse rite?

    Good luck

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  5. i took a peavy TNT130 bass amp in on trade and sold it to one of my students..he brought it back in yesterday (after 3-4 months) and it's honkin'.  not screeching or screaming or wailing...honkin'.  as soon as you turn the power switch on there is a steady, loud lower-mid range squawk/ honk.  it's not controllable with any of the controls..in fact it has two pc boards inside right next to each other.  one apears to control all of the switches and knobs and inputs and the other the output.  there's a jumper between the two boards and i disconnected that and still get the honk.  i tried another speaker with the same results.

    all of the caps test ok and in fact, the only component that i know how to test that doesn't test ok is a tiny little diode.  could that one bad diode cause all that racket?  any other suggestions about what else might?


    Ahh this is where i get to make a post.. and then get slaughtered by everyone else because i cant say i have much idea wha so ever.. but im doing an electronics course at the moment so ill give it a go

    If i remember correctly Diodes stop the flow of electricity flowing the wrong way around a circuit especially when using motors etc...

    Any failing/failed component on a board cant be good and i suppose yes it is possible for that to make all the noise

    But this is just an educated guess

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  6. (who knows how many tracks they use, 3  different amps simultaniously then triple tracked left then triple tracked right and similar are pretty commom place on rock albums these days )

    I know it is a common practice this days, but this was recorded in 1983-1984

    who knows black dog was triple tracked but that was probably 1 amp.

    but anyways i think as long as youre playing the songs accurately getting the exact tone doesnt seem as important unless your doing a tribute band or something even then some of the best tribute bands ive seen dont have a very similar tone to the recordings but play it so exact it sounds better than an approximation with the perfect tone

    I know its not important and no im not in a tribute band but it was more just a curiosity thing then anything... They have such amazing tone and yes i agree with Maiden69... Powerslave album was AMAZING ever since Brave new world.. they just havent been the same... still great but they dont seem to have that traditonal were iron maiden come and handle us if you can tone!!

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  7. You have to sell your soul to the devil!  At least thats what the old people say at the concerts in fromnt of the venues!!!

    But realy, I think it will always be a mistery how they did those last "good" Maiden albums, the last being Seven Son of  A Seventh Son.  And I think that as long as Janick Geers stay in the band they will never sound the same. 

    You won't find the same tone as in Powerslave on any of the music after seven... the solos were harmonized to one point, since it is not the same thing that they paly on different scales, Dave and Adrian got a different approach to soloing and you can tell if you listen carefully to which one is playing at the time. Even their rythm section was thick full of energy, they complete each other when they play, not like most bands that there are a definite role on the players, like Metallica, where the rythm was carried mostly by James and the solos by Kirk.

    So.. sell my soul to the devil... become the best guitarist in the world... meet another one.. and play along with em... tis the only way? aarrrg :D

    Heh i kinda figured it'd be a hard act to follow but eee ill carry on trying

    * listens to Ghost of the navigator *


    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  8. Ahh how do they do it??

    I picked up my old Powerslave (orignal 1984 its me dads :D ) album this morning and listened and as per usual.. was amazed... but something got me thinking.... HOW do they get the great tone from there gear?

    I mean i know there guitars heavily influece it and of course the players them selves but surley a good part of the set up has something to do with it?

    My current set up is

    Guitar > Zoom 3030 > Marshall 250 DFX

    My zoom pedal is easily configured with many types of distortion and a fairly good EQ...

    So i suppose my question is...

    Can any one please suggest to me a set up on my Zoom 3030 that will bring me at least marginally close to Maidens sound?


    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  9. Im not sure how much info you can find, but I believe SIMS custom shop does the LED inlays. Either a google search or jemsite.com I think has a Banner for SIMS. You can try there.

    Sims Custom DOES do the LED inlays as well as much other work on bodys/necks

    I am VERY tempted to send an old bass neck i have to them and let them play... might mean i have to start a bass project.. :D:D

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  10. Hmm time for an update i beleive!

    spent the last few nights working on the body to make sure its ready for finishing (smoothing it off etc) and to my amazement.. its come up a lot better... after a bit more sanding, it now looks so much nicer that i am definitly going with the clear finish

    Ill try and post some pics a.s.a.p!

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  11. mattdesign.jpg


    Ok so I was looking at the the edge on the top and Im thinking to my self------>

    (self you have never done that before and it sure looks deadly so what are you going to do) well hear I am, can any one help me out with this?

    Any tips,pics,hints-------------Im sure I could do it on my own but I would love to know what Iam doing before I do it :D


    !!METAL MATT!! :D

    Matt... is there ever going to be an end to your great ideas? that looks amazing!

    The finish on that is amazing!!

    Anyway i am no help as to answering your question but i just like to mention how nice it looks!!

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  12. I don't know, I can't see the pics now, but  Itook a look yesterday, If you manage to clean the top realy good, were you can see the wood nice, then go with the burst.  The last thing you want it to see any faults thru a clear paint. It will be as nice with a solid color, and if you are not happy with the wood orientation or finish, it will be a better idea to go solid than with a burst.

    Last if you want a burst you can also do it over a solid color, there is no rules set that you have to do it in a transparent color base. I kinda did that here with a green pearl base and a teal burst over the edge on bare ash, since it had a lot of worm holes to be good enough for a transparent finish.  Here is the guitar finished.

    Hey Maiden69!!

    Yeh it seems the majority has spoken and yes burst finish is the way forward...

    I was contemplating doing the body in a solid colour but went away from the idea... if i did the body in a solid colour i would do it a ** really ** dark purple :D

    Thanks for all your comments

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  13. Join the club, ive got my standard grades (scotish final exams) i can only put in about 1hour work om my guitar a day, as aposed to the 6-8 i was doing 3weeks ago. Im doing a burst using the poormans burst tut on the mainsite, it might even get done today, if i have time to get paint.

    Exactly the position im in... ive decided not to do an hour a day but to wait and start work on it at the end of exams :D

    Ahh im also doing the poor mans burst....

    Ahh well talk to you all soon

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  14. Well.... From a distance it might look ok - but from distance I might look handsome! :D I think that with the work you've put into it so far you might as well go the distance.  If you are really in the mindset that it is a "first" guitar than you might as well stretch it and see what you can accomplish.  The woodwork and jointery looks decent from the picture, so why not embelish it a little and really make it stand out. Just my opinion, but I think you could take a lemon of a finish  and make something really sweet out of it.

    Nate Robinson    :D

    I think now i will go with the burst finish... 3 people have now said that i should probably go for it and so... aaah ill go for it B)

    Ill post pictures of her when shes done BUT it wont be for a long time since ive got my GCSE's (final exams) this month so guitar work is being put on hold!

    Thanks for all your help

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  15. I would go with the burst because, no offense, but that body is kinda crappy looking like that. Lots of imperfections. But awsome job for a first go.

    No offense taken :D

    I know that there are a lot of imperfections and that is why i was urged towards a burst finish but i dunno... it just seems to be that from a lil distance (that of which i play my gigs to crowd) it looks so nice like that.. and well see this is where i have my problem deciding lol! :D

    Thanks for your help so far...

    Any more ideas?

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  16. i would personally go with a blue/black burst (mainly cuz thats my fav finish  ). and should cover up any imperfections.


    That was one of the main reasons i beleived i should go with the burst finish... There are many imperfections on the body which annoy me...

    Im proud of it for my first go but if i do it again theres many things id change...

    Anyone else got an opinion on which finish i should use

    ~~ Slain Angel ~

  17. I am currently trying to decide if i should put a clear finish on this guitar or give it a full paint job...


    That is my current project i am working on and cannot decide between a Dark blue/Black sunburst finish or just to keep to the orignal wood finish...

    What do you people think? i know it should be my choice but ive spent a fair few days thinking and still cant decide :D


    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

    P.s Dont be to harsh on my guitar... its my first project so be kind hehe

  18. Ahh its cool to see that so many people agree with me that he is a true legend... rarley recognised as a great guitarist among modern day people with the lights of Yngwie and Vai taking the glory (dont blame em mind you)

    Altitudes is an amazing song also is Serrana (watch Serrana Arpeggios is you want to see mr Becker truly playing arpeggios like no ones business)

    :D ~~ Slain Angel ~~

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