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Posts posted by TenderSurrender

  1. Also invest in a good strap.  Those nylon jobs you see everywhere -- i can't take em.  I have a nice leather wide strap with locking clips, about 4-5 inches wide.. I played a friends 6 string bass the other night for an entire 2 hr gig and never once had an ouce of pain.. You have to distribute the weight properly.

    I currently use a 3 maybe 4 inch wide leather strap (with pretty little studs on lol)

    And that seems to do a good job with my KKV.

    I also have a 2 inch wide Fluffy guitar strap :DB)

    Ahh must live the rockers life ... Fluffy all the way :D

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  2. You'd be suprised how little weight affects a guitar's playability (within a certain range).  A Les Paul is only about 1 or 2 pounds heavier than a Strat, on average.  I built a 4.7 pound guitar, and it is nice, but not all that much lighter feeling than a Strat (although I can play it for hours without any ache in my back).  Anyway, if you are concerned with weight, you could just make the body thinner, shave off some wood.

    I know that over all weight isnt a major issue BUT im in a band and i am very *active* when on stage. Im known for running about and doing random stage antics so i like to have a nice light guitar for running about with :D

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  3. Currently our band isnt gigging. We was lined up to gig right through January but the band split.

    We have now reformed with a slightly different line up and a different *style* to the band.

    ill post our site so that people can find out later on if our bands playing


    (sorry about the bad domain name but the band used to be called Slain so ive just created a subdomain for the new band)

  4. Dont know if anyone agrees with me but i feel this would be a great post to be pinned.

    It helps guitarists of all levels explore a different way of stringing there guitar.

    (since each person usually has there own way of stringing there axe...)

    I know that although ive restrung mine and other peoples guitar many times, i have learned a couple of techniques from this post which HAVE made a difference.

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  5. Yeh indeed i am an Ibanez fan. I *Should* be getting an Ibanez RG350DX soon as long as everything goes to plan...

    My avatar is a Modified Showmaster which im currently working on which should be done soon (since im off school for the next 2 weeks)

    The one thing i feared orginanaly and now even more so, is that my mahogany guitar is going to way A LOT. Thats the only thing that stopped me buying a LP... the weight...

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  6. Hey guys,

    i'm not back, no internet yet. In the middle of a big move, sp there's not point in setting up the net yet. i don't have alot of time, just enough to post this, then i'm on my way. just wanted to let you know i got my knew guitar body cut out, and the IMPALER all laquerd.  The neck is comin along good, got all my parts for the new guitar. I should have the internet up sometime by the end of april.

    I just wanted to let you guys know i am still alive, and building guitars B)

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

    Yaaaay the mighty has spoken! :D

    I think i speak on behalf of everyone on here when i say " WE MISS YOU"

    Cant wait to have you back on the forums matt!

    Take care and good luck with the move

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  7. Ahh cmon people, this is rare... not ONE reply... besides my own :D

    Has anybody used one in a gig? was it ok?

    Just been reading about Zoom's noturious record for poor soldering during the time they made my Pedal... leads me to beleive i should look after the pedal a little more...

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  8. What the others were no doubt going to say, after getting over their apoplectic fits that is, was that mahogany is probably one of the most used woods for luthiery around, good for necks, bodies and all that.

    Ahh cheers :D

    I look forward to beginning the project soon, just need to order the wood in...

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  9. thats a "is he serious?" do some research. go to some good guitar makers sites (like gibson for instance) and see what they make thier bodies out of :D

    Like i said im sorry im at work and the majority of websites have been blocked... i think they caught onto the fact i do nothing much at work exept come on here... :D

    Thanks for the help... i like Yngwies gibson flying V... tis very purdy... B)

    ** Toddles off ** :D

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  10. Hello and before you kill me, the search button didnt seem to work at my workplace so i couldnt use it :D

    Random question but would Mahogany be a good choice of wood for guitar? i know its quite dense making it heavy BUT it looks so nice and it got me thinking...

    This would be my second project and i think it would make a nice finish.

    Thanks for your help

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~ :D

  11. Hi guys i just moved to the UK from Venezuela, i couldn't bring any of my guitars :D  and guitars here are insanely expensive, not to mention that to find a quality instrument is hard as hell, so , i was thinking about building my own here, can anyone tell me where could i buy wood? I'm in London, well right now in Osterley/Hounslow, but will move to Finsbury park next week, and where could i get the wood cut? back in Venezuela i always went to wood shops and the guys did the cutting for me, but as i don't know anything here...if anyone can help i'd appreciate it, thanks in advance! :D

    Hey Hey i have no real ideas as to where you can go BUT... just wanted to say welcome to the uk :D

    Wont be long till you get annoyed with the insane prices of pretty much everything... and the usually quite depressive weather but until then.. Enjoy britain B)

  12. Got to agree with everyone here,

    The amp by itself sounds very nice, great tones at most levels, unfortuntly the effects are awful. Throw a nice pedal board in front of it prehaps the Valvetronix Tonelab SE as mentioned before and you will be well away

    Good luck

    ~ Slain Angel ~ :D

  13. I presume when you are saying scalloping the fret board on a bass, you are only talking the last few frets rite?

    I heard (from a reliable teacher) that scalloping the WHOLE fret board on a bass is near on suicide...

    The string tension would MUTULATE the neck and you would be wondering on stage thinking where the other half of the neck is... :D

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

  14. talk to matt when he gets back. maybe he'll let the IMPALER go. doubt it, but worth a try.

    Sorry to hijack this post BUT...any idea when our beloved matt is coming back?

    I remember posting on his leaving post because of his internet connection...

    We miss him :D

    Sorry once again for hijacking this post :D

  15. Eee personally i HATE speed loaders... i dont quite know why but it just seems unusual :D

    I like a traditnal 6 in a line or 3 a side headstocks.. given that speedloaders are proven to give longer string life BUT... cost lots more..

    Personally ill stick with a floyd bridge :D

  16. I got my false (pinch) harmonics down. It has taken me like 3 months to get them down perfectly. Finally. Just letting people know that when you work har at a technique you will eventually reach it.

    Thanks and good luck with your playing,


    Congrats man :D Im now trying to learn to do natural harmonics fast o that i can play some Yngwie :D

    Once again congrats

  17. Hmm please dont shoot me when you have finished reading this BUT....

    Why dont we just close this thread?

    Mr Mcnastie messed up... we have punished him... he has had his say... and we explained it all to him...

    The mods on this board are amazing... End of... without them this board wouldnt be half as good. They keep it organised and fast making it easy to find what we need... ** Search **

    Once again just want to say thanks to the Mods and *please* close this thread... or move it to another area...

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~ :D

  18. Good morning and sorry for what was an unsociable reply last nite...

    Just saw some dude on another section get battered n bruised because he didnt use the search feature *hides*

    You seem a nice person - Just hit the nice search button at the top left... im SURE somewhere someone has probably already asked this question... i appologise if they havent...

    Hope you find what your looking for

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

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