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Posts posted by TenderSurrender

  1. Any one think about making a virtual band here??? I think someone should... I'd join it!!! I just dont have enough skillz to make one... or be in one for that matter... I made a few riffs here and there but they're not to great mostly soft rock type of songs.... Well I think someone should do this.. It would be a great experience...

    I think the idea COULD be good but to be honest, as discussed many times before, playing together is near impossible with latencys created by the internet etc, so perhaps more "sharing riffs" than a virtual band is more realstic

    Also check the signature rules dude, only 2 lines allowed :D

    ~~ TS ~~

  2. B) Wow, deja vu, totally! :D

    Discussed Wednesday and yesterday here:


    Sorry LK B)

    I have closed that part of the board since i rarley ever read through that section, so never actually saw that thread :D

    You could just use a TRS stereo jack as a switch, stompbox style - simply hook up your batteries' (two AAAs will probably take up the least room, unless you want to use button cells) positive side to the current limiting resistor in series with the anode of the LED(s), and hook the cathode to the guitar's ground point, then hook up the battery negative to the ring terminal of the TRS jack. When you plug in, the mono jack will short the ring to the sleeve (ground) and complete the circuit, lighting the LED.

    This seems simple enough, cheers once again LK!

    *feels even more stupid that he keeps asking questions and THEN the answers are right in front of him and doesnt see em :D *

    ~~ TS ~~

  3. Evening all!

    Was wondering (inspired by stomp boxes :D how easy (and if easy) how would one go about making a simple circuit that goes in the control cavity, which has an LED that lights up when the guitar cable makes connection with the Jack

    Cheers in advance guys

    P.S (im suprised you guys dont hate me with the amount of questions i ask here :D )

    ~~ TS ~~

  4. It kills the extra vibrations after the bridge and before the nut. Alot of trem users stuff the trem cavity with foam/tissue to keep the trem springs from vibrating. (same principle)

    Our dear friend Vai packs his trem cavity on EVO with tissue paper, deading the trem spring noise :D

    ~~ TS ~~

  5. I also need to buy/bribe a good artist at my school to paint the design on the body & headstock.

    I had the same problem when i refinished my JEM/RG project, the best thing i found was to go to the art dept' and talk to the art students. Explain to them what you want doing and 99% of the time they are more then happy to just draw 'cause they need the practice for exams etc.

    Good luck man

    ~~ TS ~~

  6. Nothing much to report, other than I am still waiting on the bridge/tuners/nut to arrive.

    Won't be buying a bridge pickup just yet, and when the time does come, I'll be buying either an Evo, Evo 2, or FRED, depending on what is on ebay at the time. There is always at least one or two of the three somewhere on ebay that will ship to Oz.

    Glad to see that this thing is rolling, im really looking forward to seeing progress on this one dude... Who knows... i could give it a nice new home when your done? :D:D

    ~~ TS ~~

  7. Hey and welcome to the forum dude :D

    Im not sure how easy the explorer would be for the "first build" but my mindset is that if you are keen enough to do want to do it and you take your time and do your homework, theres no reason why you cant build ANY guitar you want for a "first build" :D

    Look forward to seeing some progress dude!!

    ~~ TS ~~

  8. the infamous.. For the love of God.. seems to me like THE easiest one he plays.


    The first parts are easy to play, but getting them to sound right using the proper phrashing etc is quite hard. Also have you tried the other sections.. there certainly not "easy" :D

    Greg, I definitly recommend "tender Surrender" if you like chords etc, it uses some very nice techniques as well in the solo, good fun to play

    Theres also Bad horsie from "Alien love secrets" album, quite a heavy style song but awsome to play, (more fun if you can grab a bassist to play at the same time)

    I recommend you buy the Alien love secrets and possible the Sex and religion album as well!

    Good luck Greg!

    ~~ TS ~~

  9. Just thought id help organise things for you bro...

    If you ordered 5 pickup bobins for your project in green, shipped to you (australia right?) then itd only cost $13.50 (usd)

    I said 5 since 2 x 2 for the humbuckers and one for the single coil, thats if you make all of them full green :D

    Pickups - Dimarzio, Tone Zone or perhaps evo for bridge, (any suggestions for neck pup?).

    Now the pickguard I have is a H/S/H setup, I know nothing about single coils, so can anyone suggest a single coil that will work well with dimarzios?

    I only just caught this part of your thread... have you decided what SC your going with yet? if not may i recommend the YJM? Ive been using one for a little while now in my backup guitar and i absolouty love it, definitly considering adding one to the rest of my guitars :D

    ~~ TS ~~

  10. minor dents but i may refinish it anyways

    That seems strange to me, I usually buy a guitar for all its good qualities, if i dont like the finish then i dont buy it, if im spending my hard earned cash on something, it has to be good to me.

    That said im a big fan of charvels and if its a very good player, for that price you should perhaps go for it, but if your dead set on refinishing it, try and get the price down from the seller based on the fact the finish isnt perfect :D

    ~~ TS ~~

  11. I just thought i'd bump this thread, and show you guys my next project after this one :D


    Hollow body carved top tele B) No "real" specs on it yet, although it'll be a carved top hollow body with binding on the body and neck, along with full blown inlays (I hope). I also amde about 30 spool clamps today :D I love them.

    Oh, expect an update and pics tonight, i drilled the truss rod adjustment slot, silicone'd in the fretboard and may glue the fretboard on tonight.

    Like the look of the next project man!!

    Also glad to see this thing is definitly getting somewhere now, i can see this being a killer guitar when its finished!

    Good luck with the rest of the build Algee

    ~~ TS ~~

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