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Posts posted by TenderSurrender

  1. I dont know if ive understood the whole thread correctly but why dont you just buy your normal hardware, and then chuck on some of THESE

    I REALLY look forward to seeing this completed, as many people know, im a huge JEM fan and anyone building a jem style guitar gets attention B)

    ~~ TS ~~

    Wow, those look like an awesome idea! I'll look into them. Thanks for your input, man. I appreciate you checking out the thread. :D

    Glad i could help bro :D

    Good luck with the build

    ~~ TS ~~

  2. When they have the jam session at the end, and each person plays a song, what song does Vai play?

    I know satch does keep on rocking in the free world, and mr Yngwie does Voodoo chile, but im curious as to what Vai's song is...

    Anyhelp appereciated, tabs would be nice if anyone can find em (powertab pref)

    Thanks guys

    ~~ TS ~~

  3. Ive just got ma hands on a stereo cable and VOILA, all is working, including all three switches :D

    My appolgies to Swirlslave, you said from the beginning it should be a stereo cable, i should of listend :D

    Cheers once again guys, youve been a great help

    ~~ TS ~~

  4. Ok, just got a reply from the guys at digitech, i will quote the WHOLE email...


    Make sure you are using a TRS stereo cable to connect the FS300.

    Am i the only one who finds that email a little weird? i mean usually (line 6 for example) reply personally to your emails, and treat you as if you have known them a long time, reply politley and often thank you for using there products. The small things ya know? :D

    Anyway, as you can see, they say i should be using a Stereo cable, which is the opposite to what it says in the manual.

    It DOES explain the problems but doesnt help anyone else whos been using that manual as a reference.

    Thanks once again for all your help guys, appreciate it, and yeh i thought i should post the reply from the email since if anyone else has the same problem, they can find it in the search tool :D

    ~~ TS ~~

  5. have you tried to set it up before plugging in the pedal? it sounds like it thinks its the footswitch not the expression pedal so its cycling though the patches instead of having it control what it should be.

    Yes, It asks you to push a button on the footswitch, as soon as you plug it in it automatically goes "effects bypassed" (as if thats the button being pushed down) and then stays like that as if the button is permantly latched :D

    I suppose you are right. I just thought that since it had two plugs on the board that they might be mono. I use my fs300 with a jamman and it uses a TRS cable. Can't help you then. Have you tried the Digitech site. They have some forums there.

    I Hadnt thought of going over to the forums @ digitech since the unit is discontinued and so i didnt think anyone would still offer support for it :D

    Ill headover there and see if i can find anything

    ~~ TS ~~

  6. I have built my own FS-300 as per the diagram here... http://www.plexusproductions.ca/FS300/

    I think you need y cable that is 2 mono to stereo. A mono (T/S) would go to pedal A socket, another to pedal B socket and the stereo(T/R/S) to the FS300. I'm not sure the gsp7 would be able to use all three buttons on the fs300 though.

    Strange :D

    I would expect the GSP7 to be able to utilise all 3 buttons since its referred to in the manual as the pedal for it :D

    Also the way i understand the 2 sockets on the back of the unit (A & B) are for TWO pedals not one split beteween stereo from mono.

    I could be wrong but thats how i understand it

    ~~ TS ~~

  7. Thankyou very much Gorecki, your answer is what i kinda expected yet, perhaps didnt realise :D

    1. RELAX, tension never helps the flow

    2. MEMORIZE IT, if you can't do it ENTIRELY FLUIDLY from memory, you won't be able to play it up to speed.

    3. DO IT SLOWLY, there is no gain from trying to play it too quickly, don't go any more quickly than you can...until you can.

    4. Use a metronome, it may help, step it up in tempo...slowly! A few beats at a time.

    1) I did notice tension in my hands, ive relaxed a little and its already helping

    2) Ive played it so many times trying to get it faster that ive DEFINITLY memorized it :D

    3) I guess ive just gotta keep at it, and slowly itll get faster

    4) I am playing along to a met' usually do, i find it also helps me phrase passages better

    So thanks once again Gorecki B)

    ~~ TS ~~

  8. Cmon guys surley one of you must know some pointers on how to improve my technique for this song!! :D

    Heres the tab incase you havent seen it...

       |----6----|  |----6----|  |----6-----| |----6-----|
       S S S S S S  S S S S S S  S S S S S  S S  S S S S S
       |-----6-----|  |-----6-----|  |-----6-----|  |-----6-----|
       S S  S S  S S  S S  S S  S S  S S  S S  S S  S S  S S  S S
       |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|
       S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
       |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|
       S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
       |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|
       S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
       |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|
       S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
       |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|
       S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
       |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|
       S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
       |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|
       S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
       |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|
       S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
       |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|
       S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
      D								   A
       |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|  |------6-------|
       S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S

    Someone please help lol!!

    Im desperatly trying to get this perfect, but need some help!!

    ~~ TS ~~

  9. That's what it says. You didn't by chance plug a mono cable into the headphone out? According to your picture, that would be bad.

    That is everything I know about that unit.

    I havent done that, ive only ever used the footswitch in sockets (a or :D

    well, looking at the back picture of the unit you post i presume you must program the pedal function in some way to be compatible with that sort of footswitch.


    Ive already tried to run the setup on the unit but it wont let me since as ive said, it seems one of the buttons is permantly latched B)

    This usually wouldnt be such an issue but im giggin in a few days (e.g wednesday night :D ) and id LOVE to have this on stage with me, but its going to be hard without the foot controller!

    I know one of you guys can figure it out!!

    Thanks once again!!

    ~~ TS ~~

  10. T-S=tip/sleeve=mono


    Ok Marksound so if im making sense of that, it means the manual requests a MONO cable :D

    ive just tried it in the other socket and its doing the same thing, its like either "A" or "C" is always latched on (or could be "B" is always latched and A and C are working?)

    So next thing is, what am i doing wrong here, any ideas how to fix this?

    ~~ TS ~~

  11. Ok yeh that does seem logical, Il give it a go when i can get hold of a cable and see what happens :D

    Cheers swirlslave

    Just incase anyone else has anyideas, ive taken a screenshot of the PDF manual, and it doesnt mention a stereo cable, Im not doubting your idea swirlslave, just trying to get a second opinion :D


    Cheers guys

    ~~ TS ~~

  12. Does anyone know what cable i need to use to connect the FS300 to the GSP7?

    When i use a standard 1/4" guitar cable, the pedal does strange things like either scroll through all the patches insanly fast without stopping or just gets in a loop with bypass.

    If you take either end of the cable out, the unit stops being strange and returns to usual use :D

    So yeh the question is, how do i connect this thing up? ive tried using the setup on the unit itself, but it doesnt work since it beleives a button is always being pushed.

    Ive opened it up (pedal) and it all seems ok to me but a failing switch could be to blame? However i think i might just be using the wrong cable :D

    Any help is really appreciated guys!

    ~~ TS ~~

  13. Ok, so ive learnt the arpeggios "Solo" from Altitudes by jason becker and can play it at id say about 60/75% speed of the orignal however i notice when i begin to get it faster then that, i cant get the notes to ring out clear

    Ive done the usual slow it right down (its how i managed to get ma head around it AT ALL lol) but i cant get the speed up

    Ive put it down to my picking technique. Ive read through the excersises pinned at the top and they have helped but not a lot, i was wondering if there was any DIRECT tips for THIS song in paticualler that someone can suggest?

    Thanks in advance guys!!

    ~~ TS ~~

  14. Had an idea today and was wondering how easy it would be to...

    Install a series of LEDS (say 5?) that measures the output of the pups from the output jack?

    Its an idea basically since none of my guitars have "numbers" on the vol pots, and when playing live, i think itd be "cool" to have some lights telling you how much damn noise your making :D

    I suppose what im asking you guys for is a wiring diagram for a level meter but coming from the output jack!

    Also could someone then explain the diagram so i can actually understand it, i did GCSE Electronics... doesnt mean i did well in it :D

    Thanks in advance guys!

    ~~ TS ~~

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