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Posts posted by Corey

  1. thats super weird cuz yeah we check tryed it in all the pluggins in our house and we tried it at the music store and all the same problems. What the guitar tech thought maybe because of lifting it up man times whre the fan is located something could be getting bumped in them all. But the weird part is for them all to do that.

  2. I had lots of problems with this model of amp. I bought one and i got it home and started playing it then acouple days later the fan would struggle to turn over. Well i took it back brought another one home and the same happeend with it. took that one back and got ANOTHER one home and the exact same. so i moved up to the mg100dfxh marshall head. It worked fine for awhile yet the fan went on it too. So i eneded up getting a great deal on a AVT50H and went with it and it aint got a fan and it works great!! Just a little warning to stay away from these amps.

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