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Speedy McFeely

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Posts posted by Speedy McFeely

  1. it doesn't sound like it will be too expensive to fix. just take it in and say it's a "slash signiture model" they will know what to do then. they're one in the same. i have a feeling it's just a cap or resistor or maybe a bad diode in the gain stages of the second chanel.

    if the bastards say they are a legit marshall service repair center then they should know your amp. i thought everyone has heard they immortal jubilee. call marshall and tell them these guys don't know their arse from their elbow. :D

  2. the way all of the shops that actually do a good job (i'm not into name dropping), what they do is put a magnetic primer, well one that can be electricly charged, then charge it, and dip it in the solution, and add a jolt of elecricity to the mix and viola, you have a finish, but like everyone said, it still doesn't like wood much. other places use some sort of vacuum process, but i haven't seen it done.

    wayne charvel once had a guitar made out of metal, an alloy of some sort. that waould probably be the best way to get a chrome guitar. might be heavy as hell, but the sustain!! :D

  3. that's pretty much what i figured, but i am mostly interested in it for recording. i have heard of the v-amp stuff, the local music store is pushing it like crazy, i can't wait to hear the rack mount v-amp, sounds like it's going to rule.

  4. hi all,

    i am thinking about getting a line 6 pod, or one of their amps, but i wanted a little info from you guys first. i have tried them at the store and they sound good, but do they last, and how do they sound recorded? i think i like this little 210 spider i have played, but i need to know about how it's going to hold up.

    appreciate the info guys.

  5. howdy,

    i think it would be a better idea to go down, rather than up. the higher the number the more bassy it is. most people i know of use a.1uf for a hi pass. i put a .2 in my wolfgang and it wasn't quite as bright as i like it. i guess just go with what sounds best to you.

  6. well you know that if you properly shield you geetars, then background noise is a moot point. check out guitarnuts.com, that guy has a diagram and a tutorial for properly shielding a guitar, and it's simply amazing. i used to hate single coils with a passion because of the infernal racket they seem to all have, but i rewired and shielded ala guitarnuts and my strat rocks. it even works for humbuckers. i have a FRED in one of my guitars and it has so many more overtones and harmonics now, it's really amazing.

  7. i have played a fretless guitar before. i have to tell you that it drove me nuts, i had the hardest time just playing chords. i rely on the frets to find my way around, because i don't look at the fret board when i play. plus when i would play anything when a tough chord, forget it. i think you should go down to guitar center (if you have one around) and pick up a ripley fretless and just give it a go. i hated it personally, but then again i play guitars with ginormous frets.

    as far as a metal fret board, i think that would rule, so long as i could get frets :D

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