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Speedy McFeely

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Posts posted by Speedy McFeely

  1. whoa, herc fede can swirl the heck out of a guitar can't he. :o

    i am really psyched about the wolf swirl. i like the transparent swirls, that is so bizzare. i might do a veneer and a trans swirl. B)

    oh no, the bug is back. my wife is going to love this one. :D

  2. so here's my delima,

    i have a wolfgang special. i love it, everything but the plain ivory paint. i thought about candy striping, but then settled on a natural oil finish. then an epiphany, RED, WHITE and BLACK swirl!! :D i think it would be awsome, but i would like to know if it is a faux-pah (did i spell that right). i know the swirls are a steve vai thing, but i want a swirl EVH guitar.

    maybe i'm sick, but it sounds cool B)

  3. here's how speedy sees it:

    locking tuners are good for anything, however... if you want a floyd to do as it is designed to, you will need a locking nut. i have had a set up similar to this and i would "dive bomb" utill the strings went limp. well i would sometimes run into a string that would pop off of the nut, or would unwind a little so the windings would not sit how they were before the abuse. in any case i would have to retune. i also tried a retaining bar to hold the strings down, but i stilll had the same problems. i finally ended up putting a locking clamp after the nut ala shaller. then it was great, but it's all how you play, or like it. :D

  4. holy cow, that site is awesome. however it really makes me think about tubes. i have always been under the impression that groove tubes were the way to go, but now i see all of those other brands on that site. what is the best tube to buy, i'm sure without a doubt there is a difference in quality. GT's are expensive is what i'm getting at, are they that much better quality? i play through a 5150 combo mostly, and i have GT's in it now, but i have the feeling that it will be very soon before a change is due. also is it possible to replace 6L6's with EL34's. and what would be the effect?

    thanx guys.

  5. hi

    wow, so much info, thanks. i guess i should have called it a variable transformer, because that's essentialy all a variac is. i have heard of the hot plates, but i heard they are a gimmick at best. i think i just leave it well enough alone.

    is there anyway of changing the wattage of an amp? is this a very involed task? i've heard of amps that are set up to have a lower voltage, but i done want to ruin or permanently modify my amp.

    the variac definatly does warm up the tone, you can tell when i have it hooked up.


  6. hi,

    i just wanted to know if anyone uses a VARIAC on their amp. i used one on a JCM2000 in my last band, but it seemed to me that the tubes didn't last long. am i going to ruin my amp if i use this thing? it really is nice for getting that "10" sound on "5".

  7. i know he spent allot of time designing his signature pick-ups with dimarzio, and it said i guitar world a long time ago that he took a long time designing his EBMM guitars, and his 5150's. i think he may not have cared about the pick-ups themselves, but i'd be willing to bet he was picky about how they sounded, who isn't.

    B) you've got to love a place where a simple question about the length of the nut on a guitar would open up such a can of worms. :D

  8. ed has the best tone ever... LONG LIVE KING EDWARD!!!

    p.s. i have a wolfgang, and the pick-ups are really really hot. i know ed used to have a PAF or something in the FRANKINSTEIN, but didn't he rewind it to be hotter? i play through a 5150, and i don't know what you mean by breathe through, because it screams through :D . i think that if you like the way you sound when you play, then you have great tone.

    ED would sound great with a POS guitar through an amp with no speakers B)

    p.s. i love this place. you all rule!! :D

  9. i really like refinishing, and electronics and setting up guitars, but i really have no talent when it comes to wood work. i have done a body, it came out ok, but i would rather use a quality one.

    i guess if it's no problem for people, and yes i will tell them, then i will see how it goes. i have done a guitar this way and the people that have seen it, really dig it.



  10. i was just wondering if it is illegal, or unethical to buy prefab guitar parts, build a guitar out of them and put my decal on them, and sell them... like SPEEDY'S CUSTOM GEETARS. i think it's ok to sell them if my name isn't on them, but i want to make a cutom logo and do custom work, but i'm not skilled enough to make necks.

    i'm not a guy who wants to lose his integrity, it's very important to me.

  11. hi all

    i have an idea for my funny little strat. right now it has a gibson '57 classic in the neck and a fender single coil in the middle, and a FRED in the bridge. i have it wired with coil tap in the 2nd positon of the switch. i like this, but i was thinking if i wired it with a 3 way switch for the humbuckers and a dedicated volume pot for the middle. so for all intensive purposes the middle pick up would be a seperate circuit. is this possible? i know i could do it but i'm worried about noise. my guitar is shielded and grounded ala guitar nuts.

    is having a separate volume pot for the single coil in the middle of my guitar going to cause a problem? should i have an on/off switch for the pick-up so i can turn it on and off?

    thanks all, you rock!!! :D

  12. thanks for the input,

    i think i'll just try it, if it's all wrong i'll trade them for breeds, i think they come in the 7dbks and those are basswood.

    what's the best place to go for pick-ups, well most inexpensive anyway. i usually get mine from the local music shop, but i pay about $60 a piece for them, and they say it takes like 6 to 8 weeks for custom colors. i just need pink!

    also i've seen them online for 55, but thats with 6 bucks shipping.

  13. i painted the pick-ups in one of my guitars wth Testors model paint. be forewarned it takes a long time to make it look good and flat, plus a very fin grit sand paper is a must to get it all level.

    i think it would be better to use an aerosol.

  14. thank you,

    if i change out the pick-ups, what is the best way to keep the old one from fading any more. i think light has a lot to do with the fading, but does air or any other factors affect the plastic?

    also i know that Jem7vwh's are made of alder. will evos sound too bright in a basswood body?

  15. hi all,

    i was wondering if changing the pick-ups in my 1988 jem77fp would devalue the insturment. the PAF pros that are in there are faded, not too bad, but faded none the less. i wanted to upgrade also to breeds or evos. if this is going to devalue my jem, then i won't do it.

    also, the decal on the headstock is rubbed off. they were painted on top of the clear with a cheesey paint, so they didn't hold up too well. is there anyone out there who sells a decal, or a stencil to re-apply a new decal?

    one more thing, is the single coil different in the newer jems with evos or breeds than with the PAF pros? i know they don't sell them,(without the guitar attached anyway) so it's not a huge issue.

    thanx guys.

  16. thanx guys,

    for the actual painting, is it better to have the body flat (lying down) or to have it standing up or hanging. what is the best way to paint a guitar, i've seen it done various ways, but i guess i want to know the easiest and best way. also is it ok to use any sort of heat lamp or UV lights to help in drying?

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