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Speedy McFeely

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Posts posted by Speedy McFeely

  1. i've found it to be great, but i wasn't thrilled with the idea of having to find a luthier who understood it enough to perform maintenance on it. it is a very precise and mythodical process to get every part of the guitar in perfect intonation. it's more than funny shaped frets. i noticed when i started to level out frets, and or when a fret would get a dent or ware spot, i lost my effect. like i said it is great, but make sure you know someone who can service it well. for playability and feel i've found no difference, but in sound, it is a major improvement. i say try one out for a while, then make a decision.

  2. i wasn't triing to make anyone upset, i was going by info passed on to me. i am a classicly trainend guitar player, no lessons except in theory and improv. the only metal i have learned is what i have taught myself. i am sorry for the misinformation. i know that natural and artificial harmonics are all over the neck. i am new to the whole pinch harmonics thing, a few years or so. i was under the impression that natural harmonics are at the 12th, 7th, 5th, 3rd and 0 (if applicable, classisal guitars have them sometimes, and i think some electrics too, correct me if i'm wrong). artificial harmonics are made from the picking hand but always 12 frets or an entire octive up from the fretted note. this is how i was taught, i wasn't implying that i have all of the right answers, and appologize for any confusion. :D

  3. you guys are thinking of artificial harmonics i think. those are the kind you get from lightly holding you fretting hand over a fret. natural, or pinch, or whaterever it is known as today is done by holding a finger over the string on you picking hand and playing any note frettable on the neck and striking the sting in such a way as to create a natural harmonic half note instead of a fretted whole note. its really a matter of string amplitude. i was refering to how Zakk gets his pinch harmonics so clear and defined, i have been playing steadlily for ten years, and ever since i first heard Zakk, he has given my nightmares over those silly squeals. untill i found out he uses EMGs, now i see how much different a REALLY HIGH output pick up and allot of gain really is from my current set up.

    sorry for sounding so confusing before... and yes you can get natural harmonics from the side of you thumb and pick. clasical guitar players use their forefinger and pick.

  4. well i got the jackson, and ordered a set of ZAKK WYLDE pick-ups. i love the tone that Zakk gets, i can play his riffs, but his pinch harmonics elude me. i tried out a REAL kirk hammet ESP at guitar center and i was squeeling like that guy from deliverance. the 81 F'n rules!!!

  5. hi all,

    i just played a jackson i really like, but it has EMG HZs instead of say an 81/85 combo. i know that the HZs are the more affordable EMG pick ups, but what are the differances between the two. if i were to buy the jackson and swap for 81/85 EMGs would i even notice? i want active p/us, but i have very little knowledge on them. i really like Zakk Wylde's tone; my reason for wanting EMGs.


  6. well "tinning" is the process in which one melts solder into the strands of a wire in order to ease its fusing to the metal in which to soldered. in other words hold the end of a wire to the soldering iron, and melt some solder into it, it should look chrome, or tin, hence the name.

    now for the shielding question, gohere

    happy wiring :D

  7. wow, uh so you guys don't like yngwie. i think he rules, he is simply a phenominal player. lots of great musicians are A-holes, but music is music.

    i think PG would be good also, but his solo stuff isn't really along the same lines as the G3 thing. RACERX would be great, but that would be G4.

    i am psyched to see yngwie up there, i can't wait to see the jam session!! those guys are going to rock together B):D

  8. peavey stuff does rock. xxl is top notch as far as quality. built in the usa, and has a great gain channel, really high output. i really liked the combo, but it is a little much for my liking. the clean channel is kind of blah too. it's good for rock, but don't try any country croonin'. :D

  9. look dude, get what you like. if you want a jem, then get one. if you want an ibanez, then get one. i love my jem, but i really love my wolfgang too. i play the wolfgang more, but it's more my style. i say you just play a bunch of guitars, who cares about the brand, and find whatever one you like. the feel is more important to me than the sound. do what you want and just let everyone else listen and take notes.

    p.s. vai is god...jerks :DB)

  10. i think you would be better off buying a nice rg, or a used jem, i don't really like the 555. i'm not an eletist or anything, but i had a whit one, then i got an '8877fp, huge difference.

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