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Posts posted by unusual71

  1. beautiful design. IMO the bridge just doesnt suit it at all, kinda ruins the look for me. but with a more suiting bridge i would honestly say thats one of the nicest guitars. the wood matches it well. i also think the head stock is a little wide. all in all really nice guitar, congrats, and enjoy

    also, i might build a semiholo in the future. probably for project 4 (currently only on #2:( but im gettin there) and want to do a unique hole, similar to that one, but obviously not a copy

  2. well do you already have a good compressor, because if you do, i would suggest getting a good gun because by the time you spray this body and maybe one more, you'll have spent enough to buy a good enough spray gun and paint. Will you be painting more guitars for yourself and others as you progress..rattle cans can end up being pretty expensive and if you can afford the upfront cost you'll be much better off

  3. when getting a compressor its all about the CFM the gun is going to need. If you use a profesional gun they usually draw upwards of 11CFM meaning your going to need to spend like 800$++ on a compressor that will provide this, if your going for a "mini" spray gun your only going to need to supply 5 or so cfm so you can get away with a 300$ compressor. It sounds like something cheap would be good enough for you, but dont get a gun with any plastic parts, you'll be sorry in the end. Like LGM said, replacement parts are good, because you dont want to have to replace the whole gun because one of the pins is no good, or something stupid like that. All in all its going to be more affected by how good you are at painting than how good the gun you bought is

  4. another great tip i've learnt, wait till you have good funds to start, im always sitting with nothing to do because im broke or have to spend money on other things, plus its nice to order as much as you can at once so you can plan things out perfectly...good luck and remember, pictures, pictures, pictures!

  5. an interesting cracked finish you could try, would be to cut CD's into squares, you could get i guess 2 big rectanglses and 2 littler ones, and stick them in the microwave for a few seconds...the time would vary to taste. This crackles the foil....and sparks in the process so don't do it in your best microwave, but it leaves you with squares you could glue on or make a veneer out of that would look VERY cool and if not cool, at least quite orginal

  6. Ok so my friend was telling me if you have your neck pickup where the 24th fret would be(after a 22fret board) that you get some kind of node, or something to do with nodes like that. I'm building a guitar and would like to know of any specific pickup placement for like a round, warm tone? or somewhere i definitaly should not place the pickups? thanks in advance

  7. well its pretty much metal pins, and a wireing harness that would slip over. Very common with computers, theres about 20 of 'em in there, and if your handy with a soldiering iron and can get an old motherboard for free, you could hack the parts off that, and hopefully a connector or two would still be attached. IF not look at a computer/electronics store and you might not find the exact same thing, but something close enough that it would serve the same purpose just as well.

  8. Glass is very strong and with carbon fiber rods to lighten it up, it would probably NEVER flex or warp. Wood does this because of moisture, temperature, et cetera, and glass wouldnt have that problem. You would probably make it correctly so that nothing would chip, but you can't be certain. Glass is increadibly strong remember, but I would be crying in fear the first time I (or my human guinie pig) stringed that sucker up!

  9. If it is actual chrome, a lot of normal paint won't stick to it, im interested to know what hardware isn't available in chrome, but none the less, you'll have to get some chrome paint, gold in your case. Its not TOO expensive but it ain't free... Should look fairly good although the stuff i saw look fairly yellow. You WILL be able to tell it was painted chrome and now gold, but if you do EVERYTHING like that, it'll turn out pretty good.

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