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Posts posted by unusual71

  1. Well im sort of a machinist, and yeah, anything can be machined on a mill, it doesnt even have to be CNC. I would definitly recomend a small carbide tip end mill running really high speed with LOTS of coolant for cutting glass, and move across the piece stupidly slow, who cares if it'll take an hour, it'll be worth not messing it up. When your done you NEED to post a picture, im dieing to see how this is going to turn out its brilliant. As for attaching the frets, you can't have tangs because the metal wont give, so an epoxy is probably your best bet, that, or machine the fretslots with a dovetail slot, or T slot, so that it slides in from one end, then glue it to keep it from ratteling. this way it can't get pulled up, and if you want it would look good to put some sort of metal purfling on the ends to make sure those glass beauties NEVER come out, Good Luck man!:D

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