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Posts posted by infiniti

  1. Hello peeps,

    I just recently bought an Ibanez SZ and love it to bits. Buuuuuuuuuut, when i got to rehearsal, the bridge 'bucker did nothing but scream distorted feedback at me (yes yes yes, i know a 5150 at half gain is very disorted.....). I took the guitar back to the vendor, and got one which was a little less noisy, but still a bit poo pickup wise. I spoke to Hadsock and they advise that it's a common thing with the SZ pickups, and that the newer Ibanez/Duncan pickups were slightly better that are in the latest SZ models.

    I though arse to farting around further, so decided to modify the guitar to my spec. I usually use S/D JB pickups, but got an EMG 81 dirt cheap.

    Now on to the real question........ Is it a pain to wire this myself (i'm ok with an iron!) and can the tone pot that is with the 81 (25k instead of the standard 250-500k am i correct????) control the neck passive pickup.


    PS, did anyone elde buy/try an SZ and think th pickups sucked?!?! Love the guitar, but elecronics are poo poo poo... :D

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