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Posts posted by Dino

  1. Word to the wise: If you THINK the laquer is hard enough, it still probably isn't. If it isn't, and you put it on that towel, and start applying pressure, to rub it out, you are gonna get towel impressions in the finish. Sometimes it can take up to a year before laquer is cured enough to even place in a case, without getting the impressions of the faux fur in it.


    +1 :D

    I've got guitars that have been hanging for a year after spraying them with Krylon.

    A couple of them have developed wrinkles and cracks just from chemical reactions caused by the paint curing.

    Regardless of what you may have read in some ebook, spraypaint was made to be used on lawn furniture, not guitars.

    Unfortunately, those paintjobs will have to be done over.

    Fortunately, I now have a compressor and the sprayguns needed to paint them correctly. :D

  2. Can anyone give me some pointers on how to acheive a flat, dull finish with clearcoat?

    I'm only interested in suggestions and techniques regarding acrylic urethane, no crap in a can (Krylon).

    My paint supplier claims there is a 2-pac flat clearcoat available and that the degree of the flat finish can be altered by changing the mixture levels of the additive. Kinda cool, but I've never tried it and I've never been one to shoot clearcoat and just leave it.

    I'd like to take more of a "hands-on" approach but I'm afraid working with this flat clearcoat (sanding, steel wool, etc.) will "cloud" the color and definition of the graphics beneath the clearcoat. I'm not sure that would be the case, but it is a concern.

    My thought was to maybe clearcoat the body in a standard glossy clearcoat, sand it flat and then go over it with 0000 steel wool. I'm thinking this may give me the same results without the risk of "clouding" the paint.

    Have any of you ever used either one of these techniques?

    And if so, what are your thoughts?

    Thanks! :D

  3. If it were as easy as finding it on any website, I would have done so.

    I have already checked out EVERY wiring diagram on the site above and have done numerous searches .... still nothing.

    I have a very simple configuration (2-humbuckers, 1-volume, and 3-way toggle).

    The problem is, this particular switch is obviously made for more complicated applications having 12 terminals.

    Maybe you could lend me YOUR "dead cat"?

    You seem to have better luck. :D

    I'll figure it out.


  4. I'm trying to replace the toggle swtich in my OLP MM1 guitar and need some help.

    The guitar has (2) 2-conductor humbucker pickups (1) volume control and the 3-way toggle. The replacement toggle switch that I have is a 3-way, 4-pole switch, and it has a total of 12 terminals on the backside.

    Here's a link to the exact switch I have ...


    Does anyone have a wiring diagram that may help? :D


  5. AlgeeEater,

    I just want to publicly apologize for some of my comments on the "EVH Star" thread. Entering a war of words with you (or anyone else) was never my intent when I posted pics of my project, but unfortunately that's what it always seems to come down to whenever I post anything on this site.

    I understand you don't care much for me or my work at this time, but if there's anything I can do to help you with your projects in the future, please feel free to email me.


  6. Nobody said they liked the "factory" finish. Hell, i've gotten better results with rattle cans than you, but I still gave up on them. It's not a factory finish. It's a shiny rattle can finish. YOU have the ego here man. You think your work is so great, and because people put you down they are wrong.

    I seriously suggest reading what you write before posting.

    Can you count the contradictions in these statements?

    First off, I NEVER claimed my work was "great". Actually, what I said was that I had just completed this project and thank you for looking. Please explain HOW you can interpret me having an "ego" from this (?). Besides, if you read what you wrote, it appears that YOU are the one with the "ego" my friend.

    Second ... "factory finish" was a term used, not to be taken literally.

    But I think you already knew that.

    Nobody is flaming you, using derogatory remarks or using explicit/fowl language  Can you PLEASE stop trying to get people to like your work, FFS. Not everyone will like what you do!

    I'm done arguing. This thread is invisible to me. Say what you wan't but the fact remains you are an egomaniac. Sorry to break it to you. If people don't like your work or try and bring you down, ignore them. Seems people on other forums have boosted your ego, and you expect EVERYONE to love what you do. I never said it didnt look, I just suggested you don't pimp your book.

    This is the treatment people get for wanting to share pics of their work?

    WoW! I didn't realize just how much I disrupted life as you know it by posting my pics AlgeeEater. And quite frankly, I could give a EDITTED if you like my work or not.

    I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you AlgeeEater.

    My email address is easy enough to find if you have any further comments.

    Oh .. and get used to seeing my name cause I'm not going anywhere. B)

    With that rule Dino, theres also an element of common sense to be used...

    If we followed that in the way you want us to, Somebody could post a guitar they have built...ok the thing is horribly designed, its unplayable... and the finish is awful BUT we must still all say "Thats Brilliant"

    We did NOT slate you as a person but instead commented on the fact that YOUR WORK WAS GOOD BUT "PERSONALLY they might not like it!!

    Dino you need to learn to Accept criticsm, It will (regardless if you think it or not) help you in the future as you learn from mistakes...

    No disrespect SlainAngel, but I think you're missing the point.

    Those who read the quote I posted only seem to focus on what does NOT apply here (e.g. foul language, etc..). What SHOULD apply is the "golden rule" as stated.

    I can accept critisizm just fine and you're welcome to your opinions. However, I truly do not feel that the input I've heard here will make my projects "better", not do I believe that was the intent, do you? :D

    You know I dont care about all that other bull POOP so I have nothing to say about that!!

    But I do have something to say about that guitar! I love this thing ...

    !!METAL MATT!!,

    I must admit, your compliments and kind words in this thread really stick out like a turd in a punchbowl, but they couldn't have come at a better time for me.

    Thank you so much!!!


  7. hmmmm....

    maybe not your book....



    says there you are "affiliated with them"

    For the record, can you please explain that?

    "For the record" ....

    I am ONLY "affiliated" with www.paintyourownguitar.com in that the author had asked me to do a Q&A for the website to help show others that the techniques he shows in his books really work. THAT is the extent of my "affiliation" with the website. I DO NOT make a penny on ANYTHING. I fully support the author, John Gleneicki because of all he's done to help me, and I fully support his books and will continue to recommend them simply because the techniques shown in these books work. I tried to explain this over six months ago and was told ... "go pimp your book somewhere else".

    Also let it be known that I can be found on any forum under the SAME username.

    I don't hide behind several usernames on different forums.

    Rhoads56 ... it's obvious you are a member on the eddievanhalen.com forum, though I don't recall ever seeing a "Rhoads56" username. If you have nothing to hide, why not tell us your username on that forum? Uh ... "for the record" that is.

    For those of you who agree with "public scrutiny", I'd like to quote something found on the "Rules and Coduct" page of this very forum ...

    "3. There is be no flaming, derogatory remarks, use of continuous fowl or explicit language (The Old Golden rule applies, if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all)"

    Have a nice day :D

  8. It looks good, I just hope you arent back to pimp your book again. You also said you weren't going to come back here anymore. What happened? Let's not go thru that again


    To those of you who had kind words ... I REALLY appreciate it.

    Your compliments are very encouraging.

    Thank you. B)

    To the person who wrote the above quote ... what gives?

    I simply posted pics of my latest project and thanked those who took the time to visit the thread and view my pictures. If you rather not "go thru THAT again", why post the link? And just WHY would you remember such a thread that occured over six months ago and feel compelled to do a search to find it and post it? Do you still think I'm out to "pimp my book"? I really find that amusing considering the fact that it's not even MY book. :D

    I haven't posted on this site in over six months.

    Why? Because there are certain individuals on this site who THINK they know it all, have a horrible attitude, and like to criticize others who have worked hard on their projects. You don't like the guitar? Fine ... close the thread and move on.

    Are there really that many mothers out there who forgot to teach their children "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all"? :D

    You don't like a factory finish? That's fine ... but doesn't this site provide enough bandwidth for you to be able to start your own thread and post pictures of your beat-up guitar elsewhere?

    You don't like necks with 21 frets? You don't like the headstock?

    Cool ... again, close the thread and move on. :D

    Many of you really seem to enjoy putting down the work of others for whatever reason and I'm really not sure why. I belong to many forums, and this seems to be the only one that carries on with this format. How people are able to learn and share ideas in such a hostile, unwelcome environment is beyond me.


  9. I just finished this one over the weekend.

    Thanks for looking. :D




    For those not familiar with the EVH Star guitar ...


    ADMIN EDIT: 1 pic per post, the remainder are to be links.

    Please re-read the rules on the main site, and on the forum in the Announcements section.

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