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Posts posted by aggravated_alien

  1. A have a few questions about routing bindings and purflings.

    If a guitar already has binding does it need to be removed or is it ok to rout purflings with the binding still attached.

    Does a Dremel tool have enough juice for this sort of thing.

    What Size routing bits do I need for routing bindings purflings and inlay.

    Do I need to attach a wedge to correct the router angle problem or is that only and issue with bodies.

    At he moment I only have a Dremel but I am going to buy a router base and some bits

    Is their anything else I need that I might not know about besides glue and binding and purfling material.


  2. i concur... it makes no sense to be refinishing it just to change to nitro

    thickness of finish is more important than type of finish

    Nitro does have the advantage of getting thinner as it ages but other types of lacquer sprayed well can sound just as good. For the record i only use nitro when its a vintage themed project like my recent 55 LP junior

    it does make a huge difference if you have a guitar with a thick poly finish like many 80's/90's guitars had.

    Ok thanks.

    I still need touch up work on the headstock I accidentally scratched it and tried rub the scratch out I succeeded but sanded through near the tuning post holes.

  3. I couldn't find any documentation

    So I did some testing.

    Touching the bottom Left lug and center with the toggle in the Left position tests fine.

    Touching the bottom Right lug and center with the toggle in the Middle position is completely dead.

    Touching the bottom Right lug and center with the toggle in the Right position tests fine.

    The center lug and every other lug tests fine.

    The question is what do I do now.

  4. Sorry about the tittle is a 4PDT

    This what is looks like.


    I had a music shop wire my guitar up a few years ago they used a Dimarzio On On On switch in place of a Gibson style toggle Switch.

    The is the second guitar I have wired from scratch the first being a Parts Caster

    I did everything from copper shielding to star grounding, It was a great success.

    I decided to do the same to my other guitar but I have no idea how to wire the switch correctly.

    Both pickups work but when I put the toggle switch in the middle position I only hear one pickup.

    This is the full diagram except mine is star grounded.


  5. I have an old acoustic it needs a Fret Dress I will end up doing this myself in the not to distant future.

    A Fret Dress will knock off quite a bit of material I might have something similar to a Fretless Wonder.

    If I did Refret I want to go quite a bit taller a thin jumbo maybe.

    What effect what that have on the tone of the guitar it's sounds phenomenal its over 30 years old I don't want to ruin a good thing.

  6. Crowning Files seam great but the impression it get is that the more you use a crowning file the wider the land gets on you fret is that correct.

    First time around with with crowning file = /\

    Second time around with crowning file = / \

    Where with a triangle file you can take a fret like this / \ file at a different angle and change it to this /\

    Sorry for the crude illustrations.

    Please correct me if I am wrong.

  7. If you are looking for a round sound you should be avoiding EMG they are anything but round sounding.

    Try looking into passive pickups. and add some active controls if you want.

    EMG's are very clear and don't sound round at all the have a 2 dimensional quality that can't be dialed out .

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