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Posts posted by paull

  1. Nice job Paul!

    I've always wondered how one would transplant the piezo PCB onto a trem block - I always figured it would mount to the front, but I see now that it would not leave much room for the bridge studs if you did it that way. I'm assuming you needed to enlarge the back of the trem rout so that you didn't crush the PCB, eh?

    What are the power requirements - I guess 9V (since you can use 6 AAs or a single 9V) but how much current? I have a TC Electronics G-system that provides 9V stompbox power (200 mA) and I'm wondering if I could build my own power supply to bring power in from a stereo cable (like the XPS mini).

    Yes your right. You can just see in the pics that I had to make room for the multipin connector in the trem rout.As far as I'm aware 9v comes out of the xps mini ( my guitar is minus a battery box) and I would guess that 200 mA should be plenty.



  2. Has anyone tried replacing the variax tone pot with a different value? I would like to make it a push pull pot but cant find a 10k dpdt switched pot.

    You can change pot values...that's how I made my 1K Push pull Harmonic switch control on the blueteleful Telecaster (see link below)...

    A push pull pot can be taken apart carefully...but fairly easily. Inside is a kind of circuit-board-like plate with a carbon strip circle on it that the 'wiper' turns around on...this provides the resistance.

    The trick is to find a 10K pot that has a compatible plate in it of the same standard size (not a problem) and same or similar wiper style (so the same brand may be necessary)...

    Take the 10K apart and replace the Push-pull pot's carbon strip with the 10K and you have a 10K push-pull pot...

    My Sustainer requires a 1K audio taper...so the same kind of problem...

    Hope that helps...it's not hard to do...a lot of pots are different and there may be a little modification required...but generally you can fit them all back together... :D


    Great Idea

    Thanks Pete

  3. Good job. Nice axe. How did you cut the neck tenon down to the body to incorporate the top? What was the best way of going about that?

    Thanks riffster

    The cross grain cut was made with a tenon saw and the long cut with a band saw. I cut slightly proud and then finished with a shoulder plane.


  4. I´m assuming you are Paul Langwade...Welcome to the forum! That is one beautiful guitar. How do the electronics respond to a different build, is it a noticeable change?

    Hi MexicanBreed

    This is the first time I've built with variax parts and I only had the donor a couple of weeks before it was dismembered but I dont notice any difference in sound. This guitar was built for live work. Being able to switch from acoustic to electric instantly is great and means I dont have to carry lots of instruments to gigs. The main reason for doing the transplant was playability. The Line6 electronics are good but the guitars especially the 300 are very poor. I also think mine looks better.



  5. Nice build bro would love to know more how you made an oscillating spindle sander from a drill press and wiper motor now that would be cool

    Thanks Kammo1

    Here's how

    First obtain one of those cheap and nasty one third hosepower small drill presses of taiwan origin.

    Remove the quill and motor assembly from the piller.

    Reassemble with the quill upside down.The chuck is now pointing up.

    Obtain a used windscreen wiper motor and a 12v wall wort.

    Fix the motor to the base of the press.

    Attatch an arm from the ww motor to the quill operating lever( the one with the handle) in such a way that the ww motor causes the quill to rise and fall about one inch.

    Put the whole thing in a box with a power switch

    Put a sanding drum of your choice in the chuck

    Make different sized plastic inserts for the top of the box to suit different drum sizes

    Put a dust extraction port on the box ( the dust tends to end up inside)

    Now sand till you can't sand no more



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