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Posts posted by thisismyacct

  1. Hey guys, whats up.. I was wandering around on google and stumbled upon this place. I've been playin guitar for quite a while now just haven't really made myself any time to pick a guitar up in the past few years. I've forgotten everything cept for chords and riffs from dozens of songs.. I never really played around other people except for a punk band and metal group so I don't really have a lot of range in my musical ability... :/ what's left of it. It's pretty frustrating since my fingers are all soft and I don't exactly have the dexterity I once had. I've prettymuch hit a wall also as to what to learn to play. I've been trying to figure out some songs to play for friends (well girls really) and get back into practice so I can jam with other people.. I can't really thing of anything that'd sound any good by itself. I feel about as lost as when I got my first guitar. Any suggestions?

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