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Posts posted by vivache

  1. How many folks here just can't get a grip on Lindsey Buckingham's Turner Renaissance Model One guitars?

    Well, not too many I would think. As a matter of fact I have never seen the Model One in the hands of any other guitarists than before mentioned Buckingham. But do not let your self be put down by comments here. Listen to the guys that play and praise your guitars and go for it. I bet most people thought that that Paul Reed guy made strange looking guitars in the beginning...

    Well, you are right about not selling many to mainstream guitarists. I can't build enough to sell to the mainstream anyway... :D What is interesting is how fairly subtle differences can leave such a feeling of a big difference to the eye. I do know from talking to Rick that he does build and sell a good number of them. They have been in his lineup for a long time. I didn't mean to "copy" his design or anything like that and he knows that too... The other interesting part of the comment is in regards to the psychology of taste... It's kind of infused in us that, well, it's not my style so I doubt it is much of anyone else's either. That's not meant as a cut... Not by any stretch. You don't see that as much in bass players as you do in guitar players. It's a very interesting dynamic to me. Guitarists are a pretty fixed lot overall...

    I do thank you for the encouragement and I do sincerely appreciate the honesty here. I do recognize that I often tunnel when a bridge will do... :D Cheers!

    I will have an entry for next month that will have more traditional elements, but be true to my design philosophy. That should prove interesting. Still not lot of "bling" by "competition standards," but that is not what I am about.


    Bogg's i was wanting to see your guitar, but on my computer i only got half of one picture :-\ could you post another link?

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