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Posts posted by bnosam

  1. Your looking at a lot of work. Read the tutorials and posts around here and you'll figure out a lot of what you need to know.

    Thank you. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I did some searches but the threads I clicked that I thought were relevant weren't overly helpful. Do you have any links that you would care to share, please? Thanks :D

  2. I'm looking to refinish one of my Ibanez RG's bodies (from an Ibanez Prestige RG2550). I wanted to do something like this:


    and I want to know how about doing this in general. I know how to paint the bodies and such. But I've never done anything with stains or maple topping. Would I even be able to do binding like this on an RG body without too much trouble? Or should i just get a thin veneer and then sunburst around the edge to match the body colour?


    So I think my plan is:

    Sand the body (obviously), etc.

    Tape off the edge area on the body for a faux binding.

    then apply the veneer, stain etc.

    I have to do this in spring obviously, though. It's too cold (I live in Canada) and I can't do it in the house.

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