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Bionic Dave

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Posts posted by Bionic Dave

  1. you could just reduce the flat area of the heel so that you are able to get a a shelf for the singlecut body to sit on and more of the normal neck profile shape further up the neck. This should be a better compromise when its used with a doublecut body... a bit like this maybe?? the thick line would be where the body joins the neck.


    I thought of this ideaand it will work. I also thought of this. use the design you have for the single and when put onto the double you can just add the rest of the heel via a biscut joint or Magnets on both the neck heel and the second piece. the magnets in the neck would be hind when on the single cut body.

    Just my thought.

  2. Hey I got a text message from My buddy out in BC about this Movie/Documentary made in 2008 on the Electric Guitar.

    It's called (It might get loud)

    Starring Jimmy Paige, The Edge, and Jack White

    Great movie I never heard of it so I'm not sure any of you have seen it but it was very interesting.

    I downloaded it from Torrentz dot com


  3. Looks great! What colors/type of dye did you use on the burst?

    just used aniline dyes. Used eboney black to pop the flame. Sanded back then lemon yellow with 1 drip of crimson red in it as the base. The used crimson red and the lemon yellow in different mixes to get the burst. Getting darker and darker.

  4. definately looks a lot better but i reckon this finish would suit darker pickup rings (even though these are a more appropriate size :D )

    I also find the green smudgy look in the middle a bit distracting, just shows how much better the stain and sandback has worked with the outer colour compared to the yellow in the midde, because it does look awesome everywhere except between the pickups and under the bridge (which clearly doesnt matter)

    it's not green at all it's just the pics. It looks like that because the curly maple that's there is roasted and picked up more of the black dye.

    is that the waterbased finish you were writng me about Dave?

    it looks nice!!!

    yep and it's super easy to spray. I'm very impressed with the results.

    If you want some you can get it from WOOD ESSENCE

  5. When I voted, I noticed that the invader is pretty far ahead. I'll review this one, simply because I'm confused. I didn't vote for this one because it looked nice until I saw the kill switch button... Kinda reminds me of a beer can in the middle of a crystal clear lake. So yeah, nice guitar, except for that killswitch.


    A fair assessment, but in my defense, the guitar was meant to have the old school arcade touches, hence the Space Invaders inlay, and the arcade button goes along with that.

    Obviously I could have taken that theme a lot further and maybe it would all make more sense, but in the end I kind of like the subtlety.

    I think this guitar was well thought out and a tribute to all of use who spent countless hours playing that game.

    If I was building it I would only add a neck pickup single coil. but thats me I'm different.

    Well built and thats way I gave you my vote. as stated earlier.

  6. Woe, realy brought out the flame in the maple with this new finish man. cool.

    Is that the brush on laquer or the spray version your using ?

    Hey Paul Glade you like the look. This version that I'm using is both spray and brush use. I sprayed this guitar because of the almost 0% voc'S you can't smell anything after your finished a pass and it has less over spray I found.

    Best part you get to clean your gun with Hot water. SWEET. oh and 100% hard in 150 hours of last coat.

  7. so over the past month I got a little bored waiting for parts and what not for my other projects that are on the go.

    I decided that I was going to do some changes to the Raven that i started to notice that I didn't like about it.

    Changes list:

    I decided to reshaped the neck - made it thinner.

    I didn't like the over all finish - stripped the poly off using EM6000 on it now.

    change the pickup rings - this was do to the Wenge ones kept braking on me. to porous.

    I decided to change the colour scheme. doing a Burst.

    I also added the gold pickup cover to the neck pickup.

    So here are some pics of it right now. it is in the finish stage right now so will have the final pics up soon.

    just started final leveling and buffing polishing today.


    this is the mock up





  8. get a orbital sander to do the majority of the work for you and on the rounded sides/edges use elbow grease. make sure you the woods pores aren't filled with black paint before you oil and wax. if the pores where filled with paint your going to want to take enough wood off to remove that. then seal the pores again afterwards with pore sealer.

    you can get it at StewMAC or somewhere else.

  9. Hello folks...recently picked up a 14" powermatic bandsaw. Curious what blades .....size and brand work best for cutting guitar bodies. Thinking timberwolf...1/2" ??? any and all input appreciated!



    If your only going to buy 1 blade then get the 3/8 Timberwolf. good for bodies. and you can use it to bookmatch and veener.

  10. Bolt-ons are 25.5". I want 25" PRS scale.

    I'm pretty dead set on a neck-thru. No neck angle.

    I'm up for the challenge. Plus the plans I am getting are a neck-thru, so...

    Neck thrus have neck angle and they can have no neck angle it depends on the construction of the guitar.

  11. I personally think a truss adjustment is in order. However, if that ideas has already been passed, and all the action ajusting/basic guitar setup ideas have already been tried, then go ahead and take it to a tech and have them see what they can do.

    If I were to work on it, that's how I'd go through troubleshooting it.

    +1 I bet the Truss rod just needs a 1/4 turn or so I don't think there's a fret issue at all. unless the fret has popped out some from the slot.

    I say check the neck first. don't fu*k with the frets till your 100% sure it's them thats causing the problem.

  12. I have a 12" bandsaw and often wish it was larger.

    You could probably get by with that although you would be repositioning a lot and making multiple cuts.


    I had one of these I got it for $40 used, wish I had saved my money. I bought a 14" with a riser on it. You will regret spending the money on that put it towards something bigger.

    Trust me you don't what to waste time thinking of interesting ways to cut out a body blank when you can just cut it out without stopping and turning the blank around. besides the HP sucks on them no balls and no book match cutting either.

    Just my 2 cents spend $150 more and get something that can do everything you need it to.

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