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Bionic Dave

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Posts posted by Bionic Dave

  1. ok your going to love me for giving you this trick then. You can use a router on the hole channel my way.

    1 get a piece of mdf 1/2" to 3/4" thick.

    2 trace the headstock onto paper. tape to mdf.

    3 leaving 4 or 5" of mdf on the end of the headstock/ where the nut is.

    4 Then cut out the headstock shape - the channel depth.

    5 now cut the mdf from where the nut is to the end of the extra material is over the finger board. but leave enough for the bearing to travel on.

    6 now use double sided tape to hold it down and route away.

    7 you will have to stop just at the nut if its an angled headstock and finish with a chisel.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Why not put a miter guide on the sled if you wanted to cut slots on an angle? Glue sandpaper to the edge so that it would not move when you cut, or use hold-downs.


    This is how I do mine, I use my fret slot blade in my table saw Draw out the frets in reverse on the side I'm not using. Then use my miter guide to cut them out.

    Works great.

  3. heres a update.

    Got the body all shaped and the binding installed

    Cut the neck and headstock is to rough shape. I added the truss rod access cavity.

    Next is to route out the neck pocket and then the bridge and pickup cavities. followed by the controls cavity and bridge back cavity.

    Then to glue the fretboard to the neck. will get this done some time this week I hope.

    Hers some pics:





  4. Ok so I got a lot done today. I got the neck routed for the Truss Rod and the Carbon Fiber Rods I'm installing.

    I also got the Cream binding installed on the body. and got some more top shaping done. all I have left to shape are the horns.

    Here's so more progress pics.

    The neck with the rods test fitted.


    Shaped the binding to fit.


    and here it's glueing. I used Epoxy I found it to be much easier to work with , then CA glue.





  5. Theres not enough time in the day.

    Yeah but if we had more time the government or our bosses would find a way to take that away too.

    You got it. and they would tax us for it too.

    looks nice, a shame about the top :D

    What tool are you using to carve the top?

    I'm mostly using my cab scrapers. have to be quite when the baby is sleeping. and a belt sander if there is a lot of access material kicking around.

  6. Yes it can, Cyanoacrylate is the proper name for super or crazy glue. Usually referred to around here as CA glue.

    Wood glue can not be used for plastic binding. Wood glue forms a chemical bond with the cellulose fibers of the wood. Wood glue has a very poor mechanical bond, as displayed when joints have too large of gaps.

    CA is very good for gluing plastic binding. As long as it is ABS binding or another type that will disolve in acetone, you can even use acetone as the glue. Brush a little on the back of the binding and press it on. CA has the benefit of the added adhesive in it, plus the solvents help to bite into the plastic.

    Either way, scrape or sand the glue surface of the binding to remove the sheen first. Also slightly dampen the edge of the wood, since the wood will try and wick the moisture of the glue in too fast.

    Very Helpful thanks a million. will be binding the guitar tomorrow. Crazy Glue it is.

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