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Posts posted by intothedeadsky15

  1. Looks good, but I'm curious: How thick are the front and back plates, and are they braced?

    I'm worried about it self destructing when you string it.


    Yes it is braced. We'll see if it holds up to the test, but to be safe I will string it up with extra light strings.

  2. Yeah unfortunately a lot of the joinery didn't come out quite as well as i would've liked... well in the body at least. Surprisingly, having the thing neck dive doesn't seem to be too big of an issue yet, but I also have to take out a substantial amount of wood for the neck heel. We'll just have to wait and see.

    I really had no idea what I was going to do as far as a bridge. The top will just be purpleheart; no center strip like the back. I was going to cut a sound hole and see if that works out well, then go and add electronics depending on how it goes.

    Anyway, I plan on gluing up the top and adding some kind of support to the top and back in the near future, so I'll post more pics as they come.

  3. I've been working on a new project. It's some kind of hollow body V? Not quite too sure what possessed me to build it. It probably won't sound very good or even play very well, but at very least it'll look nice (i hope) :D

    I've never seen anything like it (probably because it won't work well lol) so maybe that's why I gave it a go.

    Anyway, it's my first time doing anything of this nature so go easy on me. :D



    neck back

    Headstock back

    back(alcohol applied to show figure)

    yeah... i'd have just used the image tag thing so you didn't have to do any work to see the pictures but i didn't feel like resizing the images after i had posted them. sorry about that.

  4. heh don't worry about it i'd never do such a thing :D

    i do like it though; maybe i should steal it! :D

    actually the camera makes it hard to see, there are a few similarities (particularly in the bottom) but i'd say the top looks fairly different. when i upload the new pics you'll see what i mean

    this will be the first guitar i've ever put a floyd in, so looking at what exactly i have to route out is a bit intimidating. No worries though, i'm working on templates.

    will have pictures soon

  5. Hi there everyone. I've been looking at these forums for quite awhile now, but never joined or posted anything. So I thought I'd give it a go.

    Anyway, here are the specifications for this build:

    7 strings

    Neck Through construction

    Maple neck, mahogany wings

    ebony fretboard

    24 frets

    25.5 scale length

    licensed floyd rose tremolo

    EMG 81 bridge, 89 neck

    EMG PA2 booster

    Dual Concentric pots

    All Black hardware


    that's the general shape. my apologies for the extremely low quality picture. it was taken off my phone, i have a better camera but i don't feel like getting it right now. That's the old one i built. This one should be better.

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