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Posts posted by intrusted

  1. Thank You Rick500 and Quarter,

    I am understanding now the process of which to finish this bass. Both of you have given me a new insite to guitar finishing. If I could see both of you in person I would shake your hands. Thank You,


  2. Thanks Rick500,

    I have seen some of your work before here and other sites. I am not really wanting to feel the grain, but I am wanting to create a look of liquid glass. Just on the body and head stock along with the Mahogany truss rod cover you suggested. The back of the neck will be Tung Oil. Thank you for taking time to answer my first post.


  3. Greeting To All,

    Hello there. I am currently getting ready to work on a Mahogany bass guitar. From what I have been reading I should use Pore Fill first. Then again. Then move to shellac, then agan. Then move to 12 to 16 coats of Tru Oil. Am I getting this right? I want this to turn out right with the natural wood finish showing. My past guitars I have built I used Tung Oil. I am wanting Better, so to say. If anyone can give me direction to go on and where to get this Pore Fill product at I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You

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