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Posts posted by Ryan_Machiavelli

  1. Still haven't made it to the lumber yard (work stuff), but I tried to print out the strat template I posted in the first post. I went into photoshop and created a new image that is is the same height and width that the blueprint reads (12.9375"W x 18.0625"L) and then stretched it to fit. However when I print it over it is noticeably smaller, about 10-15% smaller. I printed it on my home printer off of 4 separate sheets but think if I take it to Office Depot they might print it off on one sheet, maybe that will make the difference. Anyone have any suggestions?

  2. I'm up late and tired as hell submitting paperwork online. Submitting tax info online is almost worse than taxes themselves...

    I'm going to a local lumber yard in the morning to see if they have a cutoff piece of poplar I can grab. We'll see how it goes from there...

    I keep flip-flopping back and forth on whether or not to go all out on this project. Like I said, its intended use is to be played unplugged in a recliner, but damn if I don't want to go electric. If I do, I'm hoping to go for the brightness of a strat with single coils sortta sound (a la Explosions in the Sky if you've ever heard of them. Great instrumental stuff there) and alot of warm humbucker rock sound. So I was thinking of 1" poplar capped with 3/8" mahogany pieces. I'm worried if this is going to be a muddy sounding pipe dream? I know the best way is to test it, but was wondering if anyone has experimented with this combo or tried this experiment.

    Other ideas running through my sleep deprived mind:

    1) Padouk to replace the poplar?

    2) Exotic Woods on Ebay seems to have some good prices, but what about tonal quality of some of the more alternative woods (purpleheard, bloodwood, etc.) that warmoth doesn't have information on? What do they compare to?

  3. The lumber is a 2 In. x 4 In. x 92 5/8 In. piece of Premium Whitewood.

    I know they are for Guitar Hero controllers (vomiting icon) , I was referencing the glitter process for a cheap metal flake look.

    Thanks for the sandpaper info and the heads up on the wood filler. Anyone know an alternative to fill in wood grain? I was thinking Bondo but the Autozone in town only sells the large buckets of the stuff.

  4. I'm not going to be putting any pickups in it since I hardly plug in the electrics I already have. Its more for jamming and fiddlin' on at night after work/school. With that criteria I'm trying to be as frugal about this project as possible. I think I'l get these 2x4's and matchbook them.


    I know 2x4's aren't literally 2x4 in. anymore, but their specs state they are so we'll see when I make a trip back over there. Once I have the body cut I'll fill it with this wood filler.


    Once that is sanded down I'll be ready to paint. I've looked over several paint tutorials and I believe it goes like this (correct me if I'm wrong)

    1) primer

    2) coat(s) of paint

    3) clear coat(s)

    I'd like a nice metal flake on it but my tendency towards being a tightwad leaves me trying this route:


    Any suggestions on what kind of sandpaper to get? From what I've looked at 200 and 600 grit are pretty standard, but if anyone had any suggestions they certainly would be welcome.

  5. The Toronado is fine except when I'm sitting back in my recliner (which I usually am when playing) and I raise my long dancer's legs close to me it jabs me in the leg and I can't get comfortable. My first guitar was a strat copy so and I didn't know I'd miss it as much as I do. I'm not touching it. I play it but its more or less a collectors item for me now.

    I'd like to know if lumber labled "Lumber Application : N" would be suitable to make a body from. I was going to look at making it have removable pups via a Dan Armstrong plexi but I'll probably have to wait until I'm out of school for that to take shape.

    As far as experience I've made robots for Battlebots-type events and such, so I think I know my way around a shop. I'm making a parts list and watching some stuff on ebay right now, but I suppose I might make this a build diary as I go along. Thanks for the support!


  6. Hi there, I'm new here but I've been reading up around here for the past week and this site sure is helpful. I have a few questions and don't want to step on anyone's toes, so I come with a peace offering.



    I don't know if this goes against any rules or so, but I came across it while doing some research and thought it might benefit others that are on a budget. And please be advised I am on a budget: I am a full time student and work full time as well, not to mention a proud husband and father. I don't have much time to fiddle on my guitars anymore but when I do its usually in the recliner when I'm off from work watching my daughter play in her crib. My guitar is a Fender Toranado, which I bought without seeing but was for $275, so I couldn't pass it up. The offset body is pretty hard to play in a comfortable position, and I'm out of school for the summer and itching for a project. I don't really ever plug any guitars up so I was planning on routing it and going all out but figured it'd go unused. I was going to use either plywood or some other wood with a grain to practice working on should I ever making another guitar. I stopped by Home Depot today and saw some 1"x12"x3' poplar that was labled Lumber Application : N. The guy I asked said he'd worked there 12 years and had never had anyone ask him what it meant. I think I saw an episode of This Old House that mentioned application coding based on the quality, knots, etc. Anyone here know? Lastly, here is a quick MSpaint mockup of what I'm hoping the end result will be.


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