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Posts posted by ryeisnotcool2

  1. ha ha goat you rule! i personally dont think its worth it, unless you play alot of open cords. i dont so i wont spend that kinda cash. and if i understand correctly the nut is moved towards the bridge by 1 or 2 mm.

    i have a freind who has a tom anderson with this system maybe he'll let me borrow it and i will get the lowdown for you guys. we dont need no stinkin coarse ! we can do it our selves! buzz feiten, buzz shmeiten thats what i say!

  2. i used to have a raj guitar! i loved it until the punk who traded me for my crapper wanted his back! what an indian giver! anyway it was nice i think they are a small custom guitar company but im not to sure. the one i had was a blue flamed top 80's rocker with a floyd rose i really like it. id go for it!

    oh and if you live in nashville, my freaind had to pawn off his prs hollow body mccarty, what an idiot! i want to go get it! he he he

  3. basey - i will be using it for finishing my album so i will give you guys a clip when its recorded.

    brian- yeah i will defenetly enter it next month, i missed this minth by two days! oh well.. and yeah it is a very comfortable guitar to playstanding or sitting down.

    guitarfrenzy- i used a glue in tennon for this hollow body, and behlen instrument laquer(wich works great!) the solid body that im doing has the neck jiont going all the way past the bridge, its almost finished its a blue flamed top, im putting on one of the last two coats of laquer as soon as i get off this pc! and i will post picks!

  4. its a 4.5" disk that has squares of abrasive diisks glued around it they come in 30 50 and 80 grit. they work well. yes the are aggresive tools but once you get used to them it is a good 50$ investment. 30$ if you want the cheaper ones. the disks are like 7$ at lowes or depot. i really like it ive usaed it on another top allready and it cuts the shaping time in half! but the finish is ruff so i then use 100 grit to smooth it out a bit.

  5. hey canuk yeah it is. i decided to strip off the varnish and go with laquer, it set me back alot of time but i love the finished product! ive been playing it all day! now im never gonna get work done! funkle ive just made templates for everything! you can never have to many! as far as carving the inside im gonna use a new angle grider i just bought instead of doing it by hand! its still not as good as a cnc mill would be but i dont have money or the room for one of them! i will keep thinking of new ways to improve on making these though. ive learned soooooo much just from this first one. ive designed and built a tool that you can route the binding channel on a guitar by using a regular router that floats above the body, this is very handy for carved tops! and you can change the depth of the binding channel also. ive also designed a new tennon for my necks on the hollow bodies so that they are really strong and go into the body 1" past the neck pickup. the next hollow body that im currently working on is a mahogany back with bubingawith cannary racing stripes top/ and a canary laminate neck. its looking sweet!

  6. ha ha yeah i need to take some better pics! the body back was hollowed out completely except at the bridge and the neck . and yeah its a carved top that was hard to carve out i had to do both outside and the inside and i kept the hole thing 1/4 thick except at the bride were it stayed tight to the body back. ive recently changed my way of building them so my next one will be even better!

  7. the fret board is the same thickness,could be the photo. but that seems like a cool idea derek. snork the body is off set so yeah the bottom bought is larger than the top. rob it sounds great! its got a nice warm tone but its not to "bassy" and it has nice highs. it plays like a prs and it definetly has a "hollow" sound to it but its not to hollow like a 335.

  8. fret board, pickup rings, truss rod cover are all wenge. the top,and neck are mahogany back is walnut and has maple/blackwalnut/bass wood for bindings. pickups are vintage vibe soapbars in humbucker size(they sound great i highly recommend him) bridge is a gotoh 510, but im having my own designed as we speak. i did 2 volumes instead of a tone cause i never use my tone.

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