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Posts posted by ryeisnotcool2

  1. hey yeh i saw those and was thinking about getting a pair, but the only thing i am worried about is that over time will the post wear out and start to bind the string instead of cut it? unless the tuner body was made out of "tool steel" wich is very strong id be worried. but they are a great idea! especialy for the touring band or the guitar tech! very fast stringing up!

    if anyone has used these for a while and like them let me know. i might try em! :D

  2. yeh its the furniture pickling! but the meat looks good to!

    i guess i could try the transparent white, but i dont want it to white just a little so i'll probably just get what i need and experiment.

    im gonna do the white mahogany with purple heart binding and a purple heart fret board with a white maple binding. it should look pretty cool!

    at least it does in my head! B) so all i have to do now is get it from the head to the wood! :D

    thanks guys

  3. im building a walnut back with mahogany neck and top . its gonna be hollow and id like to get a transparent white color for the mahogany neck and top. Kinda like pickled oak if youve ever seen that. i think it would look nice with the purple heart fret board and the walnut back. is this finish possible? and does anyone have a pic? thanks :D

  4. heres how it is- sperzels locking tuners - graphite nut - trem ( i personaly love my kayhler) dont wrap the strings around the tuners at all! maybe half turn around the post but no more!

    i can hold the trem arm and bounce the guitar up and down without holding the guitar and the thing stays in tune! its great!

    but i dont even like trems its the only guitar (besides my mustang that has a bigsby) that has one and the only reason i still have it is cause it was my first guitar. its a "martin" stinger strat copy but it has a great trem! :D

  5. hey VH, im also very cheap ! if you dont mind telling me, who do you get your supplies from? i have the machinery to plane and joint but unfortunetly there seems to be a lack of ash up here were i live. at least at the local sawmills.

    i personaly like mahogany the best but a customer wants the body out of ash. so you gotta give em what the want! :D

  6. i cant decide if i like it or not, could be the color but i play a bright turquoise guitar so i cant talk! as far as the ht-10 brian, PRS is wierd about that stuff i know about five years ago warmoth started making a copy and i was gonna order one but the guy there said prs sent them a warning that they were gonna sue! He told me they only sold 200 and then were shut down so they changed the design but i dont like the new design. PRS is probably gonna try to sue me after my guitars get out there, mine are offset though kinda like a prs meets jazz bass design! and legally you only have to change a design 10% and they cant bother you. i dont know why prs comlained about the kit? oh well i guess when yoiu are a multi million co. you have a lot of say in things!

  7. hey dont feel bad, my wife hasnt had her kitchen table in about hmm, a year !

    its were i do all my soldering and depending if i feel like heating the shop its also were i do my inlay work! we now have decided to use our bed as the table its great you eat, take a nap, then put the dishes that the dog licked clean from being on the floor in the kitchen.

    all for the love of guitars! boy i have a tolerant wife! :D

  8. well im one of those fools who has dial-up, i saw the first and half of the next pic, they were nice but after 10 min i gave up! but your shop looks good from them pics. mine is in an old barn that used to be used for cows and sheep! i really need to find a better place but ohwell its free! :D

  9. hey thanks for the complement, a lot of people like that one. my songs are all writen out of emotion so all my songs are diferent some are sad and some are out of frustration like that one. but i try to spin things around to be able to find a possitive light that we can reach for.

    keep checkin our site, hopefully we will be recording soon! :D

  10. hey guys , sorry my band isnt the hair band type but were not the norm either. check us out at www.rootedmusic.com and let me know what you think. we are gonna record soon, we need to our newer stuff is more progressive its kinda TOOL meets chevelle with a little pearl jam.

    its going over great at all our shows .

    i try not to right stuff that sounds like your tipical pop crap thats out there right now but youlle have to take my word for it because we need to record the stuff first! :D

  11. hey ryeisnotcool2 is still the same rye, i had to change my login stuff cause my computer is all messed up!

    anyway, i guess there was some cool stuff in the 80's like delorians and guns and roses but i just hate the spandex! its gross!!! as for the taxes, i was in elementry school so i didnt pay taxes back then and in the 90's but i do now! and i wish i didnt have to. man what a waste of money! but hey if we didnt pay taxes how would the big guys buy thier mercedes ?

    back to the main topic, how do you supply light to the fiber optic?is it just a regular light bulb placed in the cavity of the body?

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