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Posts posted by ryeisnotcool2

  1. umim not a huge recording geek, im a guitar player who is very **** about his tone, and i agree with angus 100 pecent! ss amps are good for beginner guitarists and people who dont like to have good tone, tube amps be it fender,marshall, MESA !!!!!,or any of the really nice bogners or orange amps will blow away a ss any time of day or night! and dont even get me started on line 6!

  2. hegh ... bolt ons confuse me, i like neck tennons, i think there easier to do, or neck through. the only way the template will work for your own neck is if you make the neck the same as all the other necks that the template works for, so if your doin that you might as well make the template while your at it! save some cash!

  3. i built a bench that is 2.5' x 4' and it is on wheels, then it has three drawers that can slide open on either side of the bench, the drawers are about 12" wide, the rest underneeth is used for storing some of my smaller power tools like drills and routers and sanders, its a very handy bench, i attached a vise to it and it works well, the only bummer is i made it out of old pine that is 2" thick, so its a little softer than id like but since the wood was free and all i had to buy were the wheels im not to bummed about the wood! i also have a L shaped bench along the wall wich is made out of a few 2x12" but the penninsula part is a Corian counter top that i got from a kichten remodeling a few years ago! it works nice , and looks nice!lol

  4. very true clavin! i was once told the same thing, anyone can do woodworking but the true woodworker is tha one who hides the mistakes the best! were only human,

    anyway i would still love to help out with this, is some kinda way, i like the voting idea! we could have a vote for best finisher, best inlayist(we know who that will be), best carve top guy and so on........

    and it must be a clear finish no solids or paints! in my opinion anyway

  5. i use the dunlop jazz 111 pics, there small but i never lose them when playing shows, the only draw back is there really small, but i love the tone they give and control, also a draw back is that when your really rockin out you tend to cut up your fingers right above the nail but its good for show cause people love the blood!!!

  6. Kyles%20stingray%20(2).JPG

    is an ash body im doing a laminate flamed maple neck with a wenge skunk stripe, its for my cousin, he wants it to be lightly reliced so im gonna do a little around the upper bought and the back of the neck. i will also be putting one inlay on the twelth and it is gonna be a ebony circle with a white star in it, we are gonna put an led under the white star so it lights up! its gonna be cool. its gonna have a black pickgaurd with a white humbucker in it. i will post pics of my progress! :D

  7. ha ha ha ha that is so freakin funny!

    i accidentaly installed it this way o the rh1! lol by accident of course.

    the only thing is the rout is the same depth, and depending on how far out you stick the adjusting nut you may have to carve a little bit out of the back of the truss rod cover. oh and i got the 1/8 " allen kind so i had to use a round file and take a light 32" off the bottom of the nut, in my opinion its easier to intsall it right side up!

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